NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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Symbiosis Educational Society

Main Road Dalgate
Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir
Contact: Sheikh Nasir Iqbal ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09469426893
Website: ----

Activities: Education
The Symbiosis Educational Society is an autonomous and non-profitable organization which runs and functions across J&K State and especially in Kashmir province. Our Society develops, maintains and upgrades the Educational Standard within Kashmir province; cuts off the threshold barriers of inter State inequality by conducting State level and National level Talent Scholarship Tests {in future}. In addition to academics, we also organize extra curriculum activities like Essay, Music & Fine Arts, G.K. Quiz, Painting and Games competitions. We prepare and aware the students about the latest trends of talent scholarship test, which obviously rules the present and future world of competitions. Despite of this, our Society also conducts programme in Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India. With this regard, ours organization is already preparing youths to curb the problem of unemployment by providing training and assisting them to establish production, processing units with the help of said organization. They can generate employment for themselves and for other unemployed youths. Students are trained in Computer Software+Hardware and in Information Technology. Consultancy, admission, awareness about the latest technical and academic courses is provided to women and girls. Special drives are conducted for orphans, destitute and downtrodden students; they are provided with every possible assistance, guidance and financial help, according to our limited resources.

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