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Sir Chhotu Ram Yuva Club

V.P.O Beri Pana hindyan
Jhajjar, Haryana
Contact: Sudhir ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9992156331

Activities: Forest & Environment,Women/Gender,Children,Education,Training,Health/Nutrition,HIV AIDS/SRH,Youth,Welfare
Aims and Objects : Children’s Welfare Programme : ■ To work for welfare of the Street Children / Working Children / Child Labour etc. ■ To implement various program for welfare of Physically & Mentally handicapped children. ■ To setup Orphanage House /Creches for the poor & needy rural / slum children. ■ To organize various programmes for Prevention of Child Labour. ■ To run Children Library and to educate school drop-out children through NFE system. ■ To work under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Programme. Community Services : ■ To organize Blood Donation Camps.. ■ To receive Grant-in-aid from the District, State & Central level Departments for the welfare of the weaker section of the society. ■ To supply Drinking Water facilities in rural & urban slum areas. ■ To implement various funding projects of Govt. & Non-Government Agencies. ■ Organization of hobby classes, craft training, painting competitions and technical education like sewing and embroidery for ladies for weaker sections as well as for the coming generation. ■ To Organize Legal Awareness Camps / Programmes in rural & urban slum areas for a proper guidance and advice to rural & urban slum people. ■ To help the Government to implement various schemes such as SJSRY, SGSY, NSDP etc. ■ To conduct various training programmes from various State / Central Govt. Deptt. ■ To implement the various projects and avail all types of funds / loan / subsidy from CAPART, NHRC, RMK, SIDBI, NCW, NABARD, HSSWB & CSWB etc. ■ To work for the Welfare of the OBC / SC / ST and BPL. ■ To implement various programmes for the awareness of the Consumers. ■ To work for the welfare of SC/OBC / BPL & Aged. ■ To organization Consumer Awareness, Investor Education and Small Saving Programmes. Cultural Activities : ■ To organize Cultural related Educational Programmes. ■ To organize all types Cultural Exhibitions. ■ To demolish the social evils such as illiteracy, AIDS, Dowry, Population Explosion, Drug Abuse through Cultural Programmes. ■ To arrange financial assistance from central/state govt. and voluntary organizations. ■ Celebration of Centenaries of Important Personalities. ■ Promotion and Strengthening of Regional and Local Museums. ■ To conduct survey / studies / research on Tribal / Folk-art of the State. ■ To organize Cultural Programme through old & Youth Artists. ■ To provide Salary to the eminent artists. Educational Programme : ■ To setup Non-Formal Education Centres. ■ To setup Adult Education Centres. ■ To setup Children Libraries. ■ To help the various Govt. / Private Deptt. for the development of Literacy programmes. ■ To setup Jan Shikshan Sansthan. ■ To organize various pre-examination trainings programmes for SC / OBC / STs. ■ To work under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. ■ To provide Education to poor & needy Women / Girls through different types of Educational Courses. ■ To conduct all types of Educational Surveys / Research Studies etc. ■ To promote investor education programme. Environment Development : ■ Conducting environment education training in the spheres of conservation of forests and wild life for rural people especially the youth through organizing camps seminars & lectures. ■ To work for maintenance and conservation of Bio-Diversity. ■ Encouraging rural masses towards the use of alternative sources of energy like solar cooker, biogas, smokeless chullas and solar lamps to avoid environmental pollution. ■ To implement various projects related to social forestry, tree plantation etc. ■ To setup ECO Clubs. ■ To conduct National Environment Awareness Programme (NEAC) each year. ■ To implement various Environment Education Projects in various schools. ■ To development of Watershed Area. ■ To organize Tree Plantation Programmes. ■ To implement various Agricultural training programme such as Mushroom Cultivation, Fisheries, Piggery, Poultry, Sericulture, Vermiculture . ■ To conduct Awareness campaigns for the farmers in the field of Agriculture. Foreign Collaboration and Contribution : ■ To obtained foreign collaboration for transfer of technology, marketing processes etc. from donating agencies in foreign lands. ■ To obtained sanctions from Govt. of India (Ministry of Home-affairs) for receiving foreign contribution or to register the organization under FCRA 1976 (Act). ■ To open a separate bank account for foreign contribution and to maintain the account properly. ■ To utilize foreign contribution so received for upliftment of weaker sections and marginal farmers in the rural section with a view to ensuring greatest good of the greatest number. Health related activities ■ To implement the projects in the field of Indian Systems of Medicines & Homeopathy. ■ To run mobile dispensaries. ■ To provide free medicine aid to handicapped aged persons, widows, and the down trodden and weaker section of the society. ■ To organize Blood Donation Camps ■ To Providing Sex Education to Adolescents. ■ To implement Reproductive & Child Health (RCH) projects. ■ To implement HIV/STD/AIDS prevention programmes. ■ To setup Drug Abuse Prevention / Drug De-addiction-cum- Rehabilitation centers. ■ To organize Health Camps/Dental Check-up / Eye Camps / Health Mela ■ To set up hospitals, dispensaries and schools both in rural & urban slum areas where the existing medical care and education facilities are inadequate. ■ To organize various Programmes for Prevention of Female Feticide. ■ To work under Pulse Polio Programme. ■ To organize Programme for Iodine Deficiency Disorders. ■ To setup a rural Health centre / Health clinic for the welfare of poor & needy people. ■ To work under National Rural Health Mission activities ■ To conduct activities under JSY / RCH / MNGO / SNGO schemes of Health Department. ■ To run Mobile Medical / Mobile Hospital facilities in rural / urban slum areas. Help for the Aged : ■ To conduct health /eye camps for the aged. ■ To arrange free feeding of elderly rural poor. ■ To set up DAY CARE CENTRES & Old Age Home for aged. ■ To Construct the Old Age Home. ■ To run Free Mobile Dispensary for the Aged. Income Tax Exemption : ■ To Register the Organization in various Income Tax Exemption Acts such as 12AA, 80-G & other exemptions acts. ■ To receive PAN Number of the Organization. ■ To file ITR of the Society during each financial year. Rural Development Programmes : ■ To implement Rural Sanitation Programme ■ To establish Village Library. ■ To construct Low Cost House Latrines for the weaker of the Society. ■ To establish Rural Building Centres. ■ Drinking Water Arrangement for the Society. ■ Formation of Self Help Groups in rural areas. ■ To implement the Total Sanitation Campaign Programme. ■ To construct Village Link Road, Village Street, Water Drainage, Water Tanks in rural areas. ■ To promote Handicraft & Handloom Development Activities for rural Artisans and also implement various schemes of Ministry of Textiles such as Handicraft & Handlooms. ■ To implement various programmes of Ministry of Rural Development under various schemes & programme such as TSC / BRGF / CAPART etc. Seminars / Training Camps / Workshops : ■ To make arrangements for such caliber farmers as the prepared to go abroad to take parts in debates and discussion of transfer of latest technology and making processes from labs and research centres to land. ■ To establish training centres for farmers to impart knowledge about the latest technology to be adopted by them through workshops, demonstration and rallies a various activities for betterment of the rural poor irrespective caste and creed. ■ To conduct various training programmes on Solar Energy, Legal Literacy, Gender Sensitization, Labour Workers ■ To organization Seminar, Workshop & Conference on Corporate Sector, Investor Motivation & Education. Women & Girls Welfare Activities : ■ To create employment opportunities for women and youth through vocational training facilities to trace out skilled force of women/youth. ■ To implement various Handicrafts / Handlooms related projects for the Women / girls. ■ To setup Working Women Hostels, Ujjawala Scheme, Short Stay Homes, Swadhar Centres for the women. ■ Development of Mahila Mandals embracing people from all sections of all the sections. ■ To setup Training-cum- Production Units for Women and marketing of products. ■ Formation of Self Help Groups of the poor women. ■ To provide free Legal Literacy to the Women / girls. ■ To organize various Awareness Generation Programmes for Women / Girls. ■ To provide free Sex Education to the Young /Adolescents girls. ■ To aware the Rural women about Personnel Hygienic. ■ To setup Women Help line programme. ■ To implement various other Women Empowerment related programmes. Welfare of the Animals : ■ To investigate whether law of Prevention of Cruelty to animals is basically in operation. ■ To heighten public awareness on the torture perpetrated on animals and regarding their well-beings as well. ■ To conduct Mobile Dispensary Programmes for the Animals. ■ To establish Cow Shelter House. ■ To construct sheds for stay injured animals in all districts of Haryana. ■ To provide free medical aid to sick animals. ■ To organize Wild Life Week every year.

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