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Nime Welfare Society

Old Ziro, District Lower Subansiri
Lower Subansiri, Arunachal Pradesh
Contact: Kuru Tangu ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09436229079
Website: -

Activities: Agriculture,Forest & Environment,Women/Gender,Children,Education,Training,Tribal & Indegeneous,Micro Finance,Sponsorship/Adoption,Health/Nutrition,Livelihood,SHG/IGP,Artisans,Physically & Mentally Challenged,Aged,Youth,Water/Climate,Welfare,Others,Artisans/Cottage Industry
Nime Welfare Society (NWS) (Registered Under SR. Act. 1860.) Nime Welfare Society (NWS) envisions itself as a most financial sustainable educational and micro finance organization with a base of ownership. It committed to strengthen the sicio-economic status of poor people by providing financial, technical and educational services and to make them courage to face the competitive challenges in the field of academic and as well as through by establishing own source of income generation programme. ACTIVITIES:- 1. Micro finance 2. Education. ACHEIVEMENTS IN MICRO FINANCE Start Micro finance to individuals, JLG / SHG to start self sustainable activities and its also tie-ups with other agencies for building more financial services Name of Micro enterprise activities Numbers Amount in Lacs. Vegetables Vendors 9 1.48 Pan Shop 6 1.00 Agricultures activities 4 1.10 Fisheries 1 1 .50 Poultry 1 1 .27 Butcher 4 .45 Furniture 2 1.70 Saloon 4 .60 Tailor 2 .30 Jewelers 4 .60 Vehicle Workshop 2 .65 Computer Repairing Centre 2 1 .45 Cotton Shop 1 .48 Grocery 10 3.81 Cloth Store 6 3.22 Stationeries 3 1.80 Gift Items 1 .50 Cosmetics 2 1.10 Restaurant 2 .99 Hardware 2 1.50 Pharmacy 4 2.71 Others 32 90.00 Total. 104 118.21

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