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National Students Welfare Association Jammu

Bhalessa Doda jammu
Doda, Jammu & Kashmir
Contact: Sadaket Malik ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 919419279013

Activities: Education
ABOUT NSWA National Students Welfare Association popularly known as NSWA is a non Political, Non sectional, non religious, voluntary organization dedicated to the human cause. The organization was founded keeping in mind the turmoil and irgnorance prevailed in some parts of Doda in 1996. The NGO was setup priorly as block level body at with its headquarter at Gowari Bhalessa Doda in Jammu and Kashmir state of India. In 2003 the NGO extended its frontiers throughout the state of Jammu and Kashmir on National repute. The NGO has its area of operation in Jammu region and Kashmir region. The NSWA is dedicated to Education, health, vocational training, Research, Ecology and sports. The NGO made several efforts to remove the illiteracy by organization of mass cultivation programmes at higher scale in Doda and Jammu. The NGO has taken several projects in collaboration with Government of India, for popularization of education and vocational training, Environment and sports in Jammu region. A CONTINUED COMMITMENT As a leading non-governmental development organization, the National Students Welfare Association is dedicated to making a distinguished contribution toward furthering the progress of the Bhalessa,Doda, Jammu, preserving the heritage and identity, supporting their living culture and building civil society. It aims to achieve these goals by methodically identifying peoples needs and priorities and establishing sound mechanisms to maximize benefits from the available funding resources.” National Students Welfare Association is a non-profit foundation established in Doda Jammu in 1996 to support society in sustainable development. AIMS/ OBJECTIVES/MISSION : Our vision is for a society in which we strive to provide an equitable and integrated model of development, education and livelihoods by empowering marginalized people to become self reliant. Combining competence with commitment. Our mission is to develop a dedicated service minded team that enables holistic development of marginalized. Practice and propagate principles of love, service and simplicity. Empowered collectives of women and youths: awareness created and sensible towards their human rights, youths for development and social action. Access to and attainment of quality education for children: competency and value based leadership development created among children. Awareness created regarding child protection, child security, child rights, child abuse. Girl children are promoted into the mainstream of education, arrest of dropouts due to migration, emergence of system to rescue children in crisis. We at NSWA offer different vocational training Programmes for the underprivileged youth. The academic programmes leading to Masters, Bachelors, Diploma and certificate programmes. Our Work : Through years of working on the ground, we have realized that the problem with the school dropouts from the underprivileged family is not only economic poverty but social poverty. By social poverty, we mean the absence of social support systems and the socio cultural atmosphere that positively impacts school dropouts to improving themselves. We at NSWA have developed a model and identified 4 areas of work, which form the 4 pillars of the NSWA model.

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