Infront of S.B.I Branch
Harda, Madhya Pradesh
Contact: Dr M. K. Houshal ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9301415592
Welcome in “Institution of Secondary Distance Education” (ISDE) it was established by the, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Royal Society of Health & Education [Reg. No. 11478] duly registered by the Govt. of Madhya Pradesh of Bhopal. Under Societies Registration [S.R] Act 1973 of XLIV & Certified Under Article 30 [1] Constitution of India. An autonomous self finance unaided minority education society. The institution is committed to import quality education in different field of Management, Alternative Medical Science, Teacher Training, Engineering & Computer Applications through open & Distance Learning Programme. And this institution Approved by DEC Govt. of India MPBSE and CGBSE accepted for employment for all over the india. The Institution is the Brain Child of the New education policy formulated by the late-prime minister Rajiv Gandhi under the 20 point educational Programme of National Development. It was the sole motto of the Institution to educate the people from the grass – root – level in particular and reach towards the globalization of education in grass- root –level in particular and reach towards the globalization of education in general, within a time bound frame work the Institution strives to spread the cerebral vision to impart knowledge that is wisdom and these things would be done in spirit of unity. The Institution is an hundred percent AUTONOMOUS National body and enjoys statutory status under Constitution on India 1950, for its right to education programmes, admit students, conduct examination and issue mark-sheet and certificate. Formulated the bye laws and other documents, copy which have been sent in the relevant government authorities both of the central and state and other concerned authorities for information and necessary action and also objection, if any. The area of operation of the Institution of secondary distance education, Madhya pradesh is al over India through affiliated school or authorized examination center. OBJECT The objects of the Institution is educational, Promote the Technical Vocational Educational, Promotion of Science Arts, Literature & conducting Secondary & Senior Secondary examinations through Open& Distance Learning Programs the medium of English & Hindi Language. The Institution Exists solely for educational Purpose, Purely An Autonomous Non-governmental Self Finance Unaided Voluntary Organization. VISSION Institution of Secondary Distance Education, MP shall provide academic guidelines to promote excellence, encourage use of innovative technologies and approaches, enable convergence of all systems and sharing of resources through collaborative networking for access to sustainable education, skill up gradation and training to all MISSION To strive for coordinated development of learner-centric Open and Distance Learning (ODL) system and ensure high quality of education, meet challenges of access and equity to reach the un-reached, the Institution of Secondary Distance Education, MP (ISDE) shall: • Evolve norms, procedures and guidelines in respect of admission, evaluation, and certification. • Assess and accredit institutions of open and distance learning to ensure quality. • Encourage use of technology in education and provide opportunities for sharing technological resources and competencies through inter-university partnerships/consortia. • Facilitate development and sharing of self-instructional (multiple media) materials amongst different