Near of Zila Parishad
Lalitpur, Uttar Pradesh
Contact: VIBHUTI BHUSHAN ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 08004829090
Website: NIL
Agriculture,Forest & Environment,Children,Education,Training,Micro Finance,Research & Doc,Health/Nutrition,Livelihood,SHG/IGP,Water/Climate,Others,Human Rights,Legal Assistance,Capacity Building
1- Research on Natural Herds Located Rural Aria,s for medicinal and Cosmetic Use.
2- All Round Develop ment of Women and Handicapped and to assist then to lead a normal and restpectable life.
3- To minimize the vulnerability for transmission of HIV/AIDS and STI trough intersect oral collaboration and community empowerment .
4- To strengthen grass-root capacity building confidence problem solving ability and skill among local people.
5- Developinga responsible and transparent local self - government through Panchayat Raj Institution.
6- Arranging various traning program for grass - root Lavel worker and community based organization.
7- Development of an integrated approach to Natural resource management with women as primary actors in the utilization and management natural Resources. Mission:- To facilitate a sustainable development to the society by empowering the vulnerable, deprived and suppressed of the region.