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J&K Habakhatoon Foundation NGO

103-Hotel Mazda Boulevard Nehru Park srinagar.(J&K)
Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir
Contact: wahida shah ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09419051245

Activities: Forest & Environment,Children,Education,Training,Micro Finance,Health/Nutrition,HIV AIDS/SRH,Livelihood,Disaster Management,Aged,Youth,Water/Climate,Slums,Pollution/Waste Mgt,Human Rights,Legal Assistance,Capacity Building
Organisation Profile of J&K HABBAKHATOON FOUNDATION (NGO) Office Address:- 103-Hotel Mazda Boulevard Nehru Park Srinagar Kashmir (J&K)India 190001 J&K HABBAKHATOON FOUNDATION (NGO) Introduction:- The J&K Habbakhatoon Foundation is a voluntary organisation , registered with Government of Jammu & Kashmir under J&K State Societies Registration Act IV of 1998(1941 AD) vide registration NO: 3784 - S of 2001 and with Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act. Of 1976 and is exempted from Department Income Tax, Govt. of India under Section 80G. Vision:- J&K Habbakhatoon Foundation is a vision to achieve sustainability of the community through its continuous process a participatory process. Keeping people in the forefront , those who suffering from misery, poverty, un-employment , illiteracy, disasters and manmade exploitations. Goal:- J&K Habbakhatoon Foundation is expanding the horizon with a goal to the development alongwith creating environment to strengthen their potentiality to act as the change in the society. Activities:- 1.Enterpreneurship Promotion and Development Programme: This programme aims at creating self employment avenues by promoting entrepreneurship among youth and women i.e. helping them to setup their micro enterprises because micro enterprise development is a definite way to socio economic development. 2. Crèches for Children of Rural & Working Women: The objective of this programme is that with increasing employment opportunities for women and the growing need to supplement house hold income, more and more women need support in terms of quality, substitute care for their young children while they are at work place. Crèches and Day-care services are not only required by working mothers but also women belonging to poor families, who require support and relief for child care as they struggle to escape with burden of activities , within and outside home. 3. Skill Development & Vocational Training Programme: This programme is initiated demonstration the viability of creating employment avenues through Science & Technology methods and techniques . Under this programme the organisation designed skill development and up gradation training programmes scientifically organised mainly for rural and semi urban unemployed youth and women in identified areas immediate potential for self employment in farm and non-farm sectors. 4. Reproductive Child Health (RCH) Programme: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India appointed J&K Habbakhatoon Foundation as Mother NGO for district Ganderbal under Mother NGO Scheme GOI. Under this programme the organisation organises free medical camps, free medicine and supplement nitration to poor women and children in the target areas. 5. Agriculture base livelihood development Programme: This programme has been established with the aim that un-employment is a major problem in Jammu & Kashmir State. Agriculture sector has the major potential for providing the employment opportunities to the huge rural population. The foundation is conducting capacity building programmes, awareness generation programmes, seminars & workshops, training programmes and field level demonstrations for transfer of technology etc. 6. Family Counselling Centre for women (FCC) The Foundation establishes family Counselling Centre (FCC) for the women of district Ganderbal in 2007-08. This programme is sponsored by Central Social welfare Board. 7. Community base Social Welfare Services. Under this programme the Foundation organises charitable activities and undertake multifarious programmes for welfare, betterment and development of common masses in general and for women, children and youth in particular whether in rural or urban settings of the state. Wahida Shah Chairperson JK-HKF J&K HABBAKHATOON FOUNDATION (NGO) S No Index Index 1. Name of The Organisation J&K HABBAKHATOON FOUNDATION.(NGO) 2. Permanent Address 134-shah-e-hamdan Lane-II Ummerabad Zainakoot Srinagar.190012(J&K). 3. Office Address 103-Hotel Mazda Boulevard Nehru Park Srinagar (J&K) 4. Village Nehru Park. 5. Post Office Nehru Park. 6. Taluka Srinagar. 7. Distt. Srinagar. 8. State. (Jammu & Kashmir).190001. 9. E-Mail 10. Web. 11. Ph. 09419051245, 09469377233, 12. Registration Details of the Organisation a. Registration No. 3784-S of 2001 under Societies Regd (Act VI of 1941 A.D) Jammu & Kashmir Govt. Dated:- 06-12-2001 b. Foreign Contribution Regulation Act.(FCRA) No. 152750024 under Ministry of Home Affairs Govt of India. Dated:- 09-05-2007 c. 80-G / 12 AA Exemption under Section 80-G of income Tex Act,1961 in respect of Donations made-J&K Habbakhatoon Foundation. Dated:- 19-05-2010 d. PAN Card No. AAAAJ4953A 13. Account Details Of State/National Grant of the Organisation A Name & Add. of Bank State Bank of India Branch Office Barzulla Baghat Srinagar.J&K b. Bank A/c No 30478361867 c. Account Type Saving Account d. Micr Code 190002014 e. IFC Code. SBIN1111527 14 FCRA Account Details a. Name & Add. of Bank Union Bank of India Branch office Lal Chowk Srinagar.J&K b. Bank Account No. 357401010019074 c. IFC Code UBIN8535745 15. Chief Functionary of The Organisation Ms Wahida Shah

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