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Mayurbhanj Joint Citizen Centre

4,Mayurbhanj Road,Kol-23
Kolkata, West Bengal
Contact: S.M.Yusuf ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9831500671

Activities: Education
1. Organisational Details: 1. Name of the Organization MAYURBHANJ JOINT CITIZEN CENTRE (MJCC) 2. Address 4, Mayurbhanj Road (Khidderpore), Kolkata – 700023. West Bengal. 3. Office Address A. Registered Office 4,Mayurbhanj Road (Khidderpore), Kolkata –700023. West Bengal. India B. Administrative Office 15/1/1F Mayurnhamj Road Kolkata –700023 Telephone No. E-mail. 033-65002347, 4. Contact Person 1. S.M. Yusuf (Secretary), 9831500671 5. Area of Operation Ward No. 75 to 80 of KMC Area and Hooghly District. 6. Status of our Organization a ) Registered under West Bengal Society Registration Act.1961. b) Registered under FCRA of Ministry of Home Affairs. c) Registered under 12A, 12AA,and 80G of . Income tax exemption Act. 7. Legal Identity at the Organization a.. Registration No. S/ 78576 of 1994-1995. b. Pan Card No. AAAAM5038R Dated 9/12/1994. c. FCRA No. 147120526. d. 80G Notification No. DIT (E) /1153,8E/122/05-06 e. 12 A & 12AA Notification No DIT(E) /S-174,8E/122/05-06. f. Bank A/C No FCRA General. Union Bank Of India A/C No. 3632020100048 UCO Bank A/C No. 11682. AXIS Bank A/C No..253010100099615/253010100036768 Organization vision /mission. Our Mission. MJCC have formed with due response of the downtrodden people of the area of Khideerpore port region and some situational area of West Bengal. Which area is situated with the huge number of slum people without any sustainable income generation plan and illiterate about the planning of smoothly living of life without any interruption. MJCC was formed to aware and breezes the gap of their knowledge and the overall situation of the prevailing area. MJCC is committed to provide sustainable development for the underprivileged exploited children who are living in difficult circumstances with the required provision of education, vocational training, health awareness and promotional services, nutrition counseling, recreation, awareness of rights, capacity building to reach our goal. Our Vision. 1. We think to take some plan of action with our expertise team to remove the hazards situation as well as to create a sound area with proper awareness of all required aspects. 2. We want to motivate the community people by appointing an expert to create a small group with the community member and aware them to improve their physical condition with proper nutrition and good hygiene practice by maintaining and cleaning their living area as per the needs and requisition. 3. We try to aware the children to grow their good practices to go to school to prevent the number of dropouts. For sustaining the programme we think to provide the backup support of education with all aspects to bring and extract the versatile generous from those poor community. 4. We try to organize some programme to identify malnourished children and provide the minimum required nutrition as well as the medicine to sustain and grow the sound health of those ill children. 5. We all try to collect the required information from the prevailing area and try to solve that problem by our social worker, volunteers and supervisor by some sustainable income generation plan. 6. We try to provide the facility of the physical checkup in regular intervals with proper medicine and networking with the local govt. agencies as required. That way we will build a sustainable model area with sound knowledge of education, health, environment and income generation plan. Areas of Work. Ward No 75, 76, 77,78,79,80 under the KMC and Hooghly District. Project Achievement. i) Rakiba Sabnam one of our beneficiaries of the education project got a new shape of her life and able change her educational carrier and passed Madhyamick in 1st Division with Star Marks and now she studding B.Sc with our continuous cooperation. ii) Alokesh Kapooria is one of our social worker was suffered from a chronic disease and he will completely cure by our kind cooperation and help. iii) One child Gulnaz Alam aging 7 years was suffering from Kidney Stone, which causes the nonfunctional of both Kidneys. We have taken him under our care and arrange the treatment in Woockherd Hospital primarily and after that the stone was removing by an operation at Bellona Nursing Home and follow up continuously for post operation treatment. Awards if any. We received the award from :- i) Award Certificate from Nehru Yuba Kendra, Ministry of Youth Affaires & Sports, Govt. of India, ii) Award Prize from Thought Foundation on the best performance on HIV/AIDS Awareness for Youth Initiative of the year 2004 – 2005. By the speech of the EMAME of the each Masjid of the said mentioning area. iii) Award certificate from KMC as one of best performer on the Kolkata Environment Improvement Project (KEIP). iv) We received a certificate as a best performance to organized and runes a NCLP School in Hooghly District under the National Child Labour Project Society, Supported by Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India. Project Activity in Place. Hastings, Watgaunge, under 75 ward, Watgaunge , Paddapukur, Khidderpore under 76 ward, Kalupara, M.M.ali Road, under 77 ward, Ekbalpore, Mominpore, Mayurbhanj under 78 ward, Bhukailash Road, Babubazar under 79 ward, Alifnagar, Ramnagar, Brooklane, Talifnagar, BNR, Hooghly Jute Mill Colony, Sicklane under 80 ward, Babughat 45 ward and Baidyabti Municipality, 17 No Ward in Hooghly District. CONCEPT NOTE. Mayurbhanj Joint Citizen Centre (MJCC) has been registered as a Voluntary Organisation under West Bengal Societies Registration Act 1961, in the year 1994 – 95 and rendered services to the downtrodden people in the area of 75 to 80 wards under Kolkata Municiple Corporation (KMC). The Geographical Location of the said mentioned area is situated at the Khidderpore Port Region and such area is mostly covered by slum dwellers. Most of the community people are passing their life in hazardous situation and generate their earnings by daily laborers. They are not able to effort their regular needs from their least income. As a result the female person of such family has been engaged themselves in maidservant in the domestic sector and they have not able to care their child in respect of Education, Health & Income Generation Plan. Govt. has been established the number of primary centre to literate each student in permanent way. Their parents has intendment to enrolled their name in the Govt. School but they have not continue their education due to their poor economic condition and they became dropout due to such unavoidable incident. We have reading their pulls and willing to solve their basic problem. We have make thorough survey into the area and got number of children who is required to basic support in the sector of Education and health. Now we have indented to implement the education project through the Remedial Coaching Centre (RCC) which is give them the backup support of education to built the sound educational structure. We will start the RCC in the primary Section. We will cover 500 children in primary section. In the primary section we will run 10(Ten) centre in the area of Khidderpore, Hasting Watgunge, Alifnagar, BNR, Sickline and Brookline namely. Most of the children are living on footpath and under the over bridge of the said area. We have councilling their parents and motivate them to enrolled their child in the nearest school with the support of mainstreaming if required. After that we will called them to attend our RCC to get their education task in regular way. By this way we will bring them an umbrella together and provide them the Basic Nutrition and other required facility. We will organized the Primary section as following ways:- • We will enroll their name in the School of Govt. and Private sector through the Enrollment Camp. • Organized Teachers Training to upgraded the education system and norms as per the Govt. Policy. • Arrange Parents Meeting to Councilling their parents and insist them to sent their child to our centre in regular basis instate of enforcing them for Begging to bring earnings to survive their daily life. • After completion we will bring them into our RCC to resist their occupancy into the Begging and addiction. • Give them the Mainstreaming Support to enrolled them into the school if required. • Provide them the nutrition regularly. • Provide them the Educational materials as per the needs. • Provide them the Emergency Medical support occasionally. • Organize educational trip once in a year. • Organize Annual Sports and Cultural Programme to open the scope of their versatility. • Organize quarterly test to evaluate their education performance. • Organize pair group meeting to built their motivation into the education through which each of the pairs will get the proper awareness of the facility & benefits of education and passing the wave to his nab our child and bring them into the same umbrella. • Area wise Community Health Clinic with support of Free Medical & Medicine Support to the Poor Downttrodden people. • Free Health Cheack in regular interval. • Awareness Camp to aware the Community People In this way we will sustain the said programme and try to make the self sufficient community. We can risqué them from their hazardous life and grooming their life with the flashing of job opportunity. In future Child will not beg they will wiper their knowledge to that student who are steel living in the shadow of dark life. Along with the above milestone we also organized the health check up camp in regular interval to give them the medical advise in two part, one is Preventive Part and Other one is The Curative part. We will give them the proper awareness on the preventive measure through which they will build their sound helth. 1. Organisational Details: 1. Name of the Organization MAYURBHANJ JOINT CITIZEN CENTRE (MJCC) 2. Address 4, Mayurbhanj Road (Khidderpore), Kolkata – 700023. West Bengal. 3. Office Address A. Registered Office 4,Mayurbhanj Road (Khidderpore), Kolkata –700023. West Bengal. India B. Administrative Office 15/1/1F Mayurnhamj Road Kolkata –700023 Telephone No. E-mail. 033-65002347, 4. Contact Person 1. S.M. Yusuf (Secretary), 9831500671 5. Area of Operation Ward No. 75 to 80 of KMC Area and Hooghly District. 6. Status of our Organization a ) Registered under West Bengal Society Registration Act.1961. b) Registered under FCRA of Ministry of Home Affairs. c) Registered under 12A, 12AA,and 80G of . Income tax exemption Act. 7. Legal Identity at the Organization a.. Registration No. S/ 78576 of 1994-1995. b. Pan Card No. AAAAM5038R Dated 9/12/1994. c. FCRA No. 147120526. d. 80G Notification No. DIT (E) /1153,8E/122/05-06 e. 12 A & 12AA Notification No DIT(E) /S-174,8E/122/05-06. f. Bank A/C No FCRA General. Union Bank Of India A/C No. 3632020100048 UCO Bank A/C No. 11682. AXIS Bank A/C No..253010100099615/253010100036768 Organization vision /mission. Our Mission. MJCC have formed with due response of the downtrodden people of the area of Khideerpore port region and some situational area of West Bengal. Which area is situated with the huge number of slum people without any sustainable income generation plan and illiterate about the planning of smoothly living of life without any interruption. MJCC was formed to aware and breezes the gap of their knowledge and the overall situation of the prevailing area. MJCC is committed to provide sustainable development for the underprivileged exploited children who are living in difficult circumstances with the required provision of education, vocational training, health awareness and promotional services, nutrition counseling, recreation, awareness of rights, capacity building to reach our goal. Our Vision. 1. We think to take some plan of action with our expertise team to remove the hazards situation as well as to create a sound area with proper awareness of all required aspects. 2. We want to motivate the community people by appointing an expert to create a small group with the community member and aware them to improve their physical condition with proper nutrition and good hygiene practice by maintaining and cleaning their living area as per the needs and requisition. 3. We try to aware the children to grow their good practices to go to school to prevent the number of dropouts. For sustaining the programme we think to provide the backup support of education with all aspects to bring and extract the versatile generous from those poor community. 4. We try to organize some programme to identify malnourished children and provide the minimum required nutrition as well as the medicine to sustain and grow the sound health of those ill children. 5. We all try to collect the required information from the prevailing area and try to solve that problem by our social worker, volunteers and supervisor by some sustainable income generation plan. 6. We try to provide the facility of the physical checkup in regular intervals with proper medicine and networking with the local govt. agencies as required. That way we will build a sustainable model area with sound knowledge of education, health, environment and income generation plan. Areas of Work. Ward No 75, 76, 77,78,79,80 under the KMC and Hooghly District. Project Achievement. i) Rakiba Sabnam one of our beneficiaries of the education project got a new shape of her life and able change her educational carrier and passed Madhyamick in 1st Division with Star Marks and now she studding B.Sc with our continuous cooperation. ii) Alokesh Kapooria is one of our social worker was suffered from a chronic disease and he will completely cure by our kind cooperation and help. iii) One child Gulnaz Alam aging 7 years was suffering from Kidney Stone, which causes the nonfunctional of both Kidneys. We have taken him under our care and arrange the treatment in Woockherd Hospital primarily and after that the stone was removing by an operation at Bellona Nursing Home and follow up continuously for post operation treatment. Awards if any. We received the award from :- i) Award Certificate from Nehru Yuba Kendra, Ministry of Youth Affaires & Sports, Govt. of India, ii) Award Prize from Thought Foundation on the best performance on HIV/AIDS Awareness for Youth Initiative of the year 2004 – 2005. By the speech of the EMAME of the each Masjid of the said mentioning area. iii) Award certificate from KMC as one of best performer on the Kolkata Environment Improvement Project (KEIP). iv) We received a certificate as a best performance to organized and runes a NCLP School in Hooghly District under the National Child Labour Project Society, Supported by Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India. Project Activity in Place. Hastings, Watgaunge, under 75 ward, Watgaunge , Paddapukur, Khidderpore under 76 ward, Kalupara, M.M.ali Road, under 77 ward, Ekbalpore, Mominpore, Mayurbhanj under 78 ward, Bhukailash Road, Babubazar under 79 ward, Alifnagar, Ramnagar, Brooklane, Talifnagar, BNR, Hooghly Jute Mill Colony, Sicklane under 80 ward, Babughat 45 ward and Baidyabti Municipality, 17 No Ward in Hooghly District. CONCEPT NOTE. Mayurbhanj Joint Citizen Centre (MJCC) has been registered as a Voluntary Organisation under West Bengal Societies Registration Act 1961, in the year 1994 – 95 and rendered services to the downtrodden people in the area of 75 to 80 wards under Kolkata Municiple Corporation (KMC). The Geographical Location of the said mentioned area is situated at the Khidderpore Port Region and such area is mostly covered by slum dwellers. Most of the community people are passing their life in hazardous situation and generate their earnings by daily laborers. They are not able to effort their regular needs from their least income. As a result the female person of such family has been engaged themselves in maidservant in the domestic sector and they have not able to care their child in respect of Education, Health & Income Generation Plan. Govt. has been established the number of primary centre to literate each student in permanent way. Their parents has intendment to enrolled their name in the Govt. School but they have not continue their education due to their poor economic condition and they became dropout due to such unavoidable incident. We have reading their pulls and willing to solve their basic problem. We have make thorough survey into the area and got number of children who is required to basic support in the sector of Education and health. Now we have indented to implement the education project through the Remedial Coaching Centre (RCC) which is give them the backup support of education to built the sound educational structure. We will start the RCC in the primary Section. We will cover 500 children in primary section. In the primary section we will run 10(Ten) centre in the area of Khidderpore, Hasting Watgunge, Alifnagar, BNR, Sickline and Brookline namely. Most of the children are living on footpath and under the over bridge of the said area. We have councilling their parents and motivate them to enrolled their child in the nearest school with the support of mainstreaming if required. After that we will called them to attend our RCC to get their education task in regular way. By this way we will bring them an umbrella together and provide them the Basic Nutrition and other required facility. We will organized the Primary section as following ways:- • We will enroll their name in the School of Govt. and Private sector through the Enrollment Camp. • Organized Teachers Training to upgraded the education system and norms as per the Govt. Policy. • Arrange Parents Meeting to Councilling their parents and insist them to sent their child to our centre in regular basis instate of enforcing them for Begging to bring earnings to survive their daily life. • After completion we will bring them into our RCC to resist their occupancy into the Begging and addiction. • Give them the Mainstreaming Support to enrolled them into the school if required. • Provide them the nutrition regularly. • Provide them the Educational materials as per the needs. • Provide them the Emergency Medical support occasionally. • Organize educational trip once in a year. • Organize Annual Sports and Cultural Programme to open the scope of their versatility. • Organize quarterly test to evaluate their education performance. • Organize pair group meeting to built their motivation into the education through which each of the pairs will get the proper awareness of the facility & benefits of education and passing the wave to his nab our child and bring them into the same umbrella. • Area wise Community Health Clinic with support of Free Medical & Medicine Support to the Poor Downttrodden people. • Free Health Cheack in regular interval. • Awareness Camp to aware the Community People In this way we will sustain the said programme and try to make the self sufficient community. We can risqué them from their hazardous life and grooming their life with the flashing of job opportunity. In future Child will not beg they will wiper their knowledge to that student who are steel living in the shadow of dark life. Along with the above milestone we also organized the health check up camp in regular interval to give them the medical advise in two part, one is Preventive Part and Other one is The Curative part. We will give them the proper awareness on the preventive measure through which they will build their sound helth. 1. Organisational Details: 1. Name of the Organization MAYURBHANJ JOINT CITIZEN CENTRE (MJCC) 2. Address 4, Mayurbhanj Road (Khidderpore), Kolkata – 700023. West Bengal. 3. Office Address A. Registered Office 4,Mayurbhanj Road (Khidderpore), Kolkata –700023. West Bengal. India B. Administrative Office 15/1/1F Mayurnhamj Road Kolkata –700023 Telephone No. E-mail. 033-65002347, 4. Contact Person 1. S.M. Yusuf (Secretary), 9831500671 5. Area of Operation Ward No. 75 to 80 of KMC Area and Hooghly District. 6. Status of our Organization a ) Registered under West Bengal Society Registration Act.1961. b) Registered under FCRA of Ministry of Home Affairs. c) Registered under 12A, 12AA,and 80G of . Income tax exemption Act. 7. Legal Identity at the Organization a.. Registration No. S/ 78576 of 1994-1995. b. Pan Card No. AAAAM5038R Dated 9/12/1994. c. FCRA No. 147120526. d. 80G Notification No. DIT (E) /1153,8E/122/05-06 e. 12 A & 12AA Notification No DIT(E) /S-174,8E/122/05-06. f. Bank A/C No FCRA General. Union Bank Of India A/C No. 3632020100048 UCO Bank A/C No. 11682. AXIS Bank A/C No..253010100099615/253010100036768 Organization vision /mission. Our Mission. MJCC have formed with due response of the downtrodden people of the area of Khideerpore port region and some situational area of West Bengal. Which area is situated with the huge number of slum people without any sustainable income generation plan and illiterate about the planning of smoothly living of life without any interruption. MJCC was formed to aware and breezes the gap of their knowledge and the overall situation of the prevailing area. MJCC is committed to provide sustainable development for the underprivileged exploited children who are living in difficult circumstances with the required provision of education, vocational training, health awareness and promotional services, nutrition counseling, recreation, awareness of rights, capacity building to reach our goal. Our Vision. 1. We think to take some plan of action with our expertise team to remove the hazards situation as well as to create a sound area with proper awareness of all required aspects. 2. We want to motivate the community people by appointing an expert to create a small group with the community member and aware them to improve their physical condition with proper nutrition and good hygiene practice by maintaining and cleaning their living area as per the needs and requisition. 3. We try to aware the children to grow their good practices to go to school to prevent the number of dropouts. For sustaining the programme we think to provide the backup support of education with all aspects to bring and extract the versatile generous from those poor community. 4. We try to organize some programme to identify malnourished children and provide the minimum required nutrition as well as the medicine to sustain and grow the sound health of those ill children. 5. We all try to collect the required information from the prevailing area and try to solve that problem by our social worker, volunteers and supervisor by some sustainable income generation plan. 6. We try to provide the facility of the physical checkup in regular intervals with proper medicine and networking with the local govt. agencies as required. That way we will build a sustainable model area with sound knowledge of education, health, environment and income generation plan. Areas of Work. Ward No 75, 76, 77,78,79,80 under the KMC and Hooghly District. Project Achievement. i) Rakiba Sabnam one of our beneficiaries of the education project got a new shape of her life and able change her educational carrier and passed Madhyamick in 1st Division with Star Marks and now she studding B.Sc with our continuous cooperation. ii) Alokesh Kapooria is one of our social worker was suffered from a chronic disease and he will completely cure by our kind cooperation and help. iii) One child Gulnaz Alam aging 7 years was suffering from Kidney Stone, which causes the nonfunctional of both Kidneys. We have taken him under our care and arrange the treatment in Woockherd Hospital primarily and after that the stone was removing by an operation at Bellona Nursing Home and follow up continuously for post operation treatment. Awards if any. We received the award from :- i) Award Certificate from Nehru Yuba Kendra, Ministry of Youth Affaires & Sports, Govt. of India, ii) Award Prize from Thought Foundation on the best performance on HIV/AIDS Awareness for Youth Initiative of the year 2004 – 2005. By the speech of the EMAME of the each Masjid of the said mentioning area. iii) Award certificate from KMC as one of best performer on the Kolkata Environment Improvement Project (KEIP). iv) We received a certificate as a best performance to organized and runes a NCLP School in Hooghly District under the National Child Labour Project Society, Supported by Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India. Project Activity in Place. Hastings, Watgaunge, under 75 ward, Watgaunge , Paddapukur, Khidderpore under 76 ward, Kalupara, M.M.ali Road, under 77 ward, Ekbalpore, Mominpore, Mayurbhanj under 78 ward, Bhukailash Road, Babubazar under 79 ward, Alifnagar, Ramnagar, Brooklane, Talifnagar, BNR, Hooghly Jute Mill Colony, Sicklane under 80 ward, Babughat 45 ward and Baidyabti Municipality, 17 No Ward in Hooghly District. CONCEPT NOTE. Mayurbhanj Joint Citizen Centre (MJCC) has been registered as a Voluntary Organisation under West Bengal Societies Registration Act 1961, in the year 1994 – 95 and rendered services to the downtrodden people in the area of 75 to 80 wards under Kolkata Municiple Corporation (KMC). The Geographical Location of the said mentioned area is situated at the Khidderpore Port Region and such area is mostly covered by slum dwellers. Most of the community people are passing their life in hazardous situation and generate their earnings by daily laborers. They are not able to effort their regular needs from their least income. As a result the female person of such family has been engaged themselves in maidservant in the domestic sector and they have not able to care their child in respect of Education, Health & Income Generation Plan. Govt. has been established the number of primary centre to literate each student in permanent way. Their parents has intendment to enrolled their name in the Govt. School but they have not continue their education due to their poor economic condition and they became dropout due to such unavoidable incident. We have reading their pulls and willing to solve their basic problem. We have make thorough survey into the area and got number of children who is required to basic support in the sector of Education and health. Now we have indented to implement the education project through the Remedial Coaching Centre (RCC) which is give them the backup support of education to built the sound educational structure. We will start the RCC in the primary Section. We will cover 500 children in primary section. In the primary section we will run 10(Ten) centre in the area of Khidderpore, Hasting Watgunge, Alifnagar, BNR, Sickline and Brookline namely. Most of the children are living on footpath and under the over bridge of the said area. We have councilling their parents and motivate them to enrolled their child in the nearest school with the support of mainstreaming if required. After that we will called them to attend our RCC to get their education task in regular way. By this way we will bring them an umbrella together and provide them the Basic Nutrition and other required facility. We will organized the Primary section as following ways:- • We will enroll their name in the School of Govt. and Private sector through the Enrollment Camp. • Organized Teachers Training to upgraded the education system and norms as per the Govt. Policy. • Arrange Parents Meeting to Councilling their parents and insist them to sent their child to our centre in regular basis instate of enforcing them for Begging to bring earnings to survive their daily life. • After completion we will bring them into our RCC to resist their occupancy into the Begging and addiction. • Give them the Mainstreaming Support to enrolled them into the school if required. • Provide them the nutrition regularly. • Provide them the Educational materials as per the needs. • Provide them the Emergency Medical support occasionally. • Organize educational trip once in a year. • Organize Annual Sports and Cultural Programme to open the scope of their versatility. • Organize quarterly test to evaluate their education performance. • Organize pair group meeting to built their motivation into the education through which each of the pairs will get the proper awareness of the facility & benefits of education and passing the wave to his nab our child and bring them into the same umbrella. • Area wise Community Health Clinic with support of Free Medical & Medicine Support to the Poor Downttrodden people. • Free Health Cheack in regular interval. • Awareness Camp to aware the Community People In this way we will sustain the said programme and try to make the self sufficient community. We can risqué them from their hazardous life and grooming their life with the flashing of job opportunity. In future Child will not beg they will wiper their knowledge to that student who are steel living in the shadow of dark life. Along with the above milestone we also organized the health check up camp in regular interval to give them the medical advise in two part, one is Preventive Part and Other one is The Curative part. We will give them the proper awareness on the preventive measure through which they will build their sound helth.

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