NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Voluntary Support Alliance For Human Action Plan (VSAHAP)

Village:Itwa , P.O.:Madarbhari, Distt:Ambedkar Nagar, State:Uttar Pradesh
Ambedkar, Uttar Pradesh
Contact: Mr. Ram Nayan Singh ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 05271-211725

Activities: Women/Gender,Children,Health/Nutrition,HIV AIDS/SRH,Youth,Welfare,Human Rights

VSAHAP is an NGO working in  Ambedkar Nagar of Uttar Pradesh.  Our mission is focused on overall amelioration and betterment of people’s lives and lots by promoting welfare activities and alleviating human sufferings and poverty in global perspective. Our concerted and incessant efforts are to take a healthy initiative to maintain everlasting peace by establishing intimate and harmonious relationship and casting cordial impact on human lives to abhor vacuums created by social and economic changes. We stress reddressal of grievances, conciliation, arbitration and importance of a good education based on empirical study.


To work for uplifting the poor of rural/village and urban people for their overall development.

To fight against exploitation, corruption and injustice.


To work for uplifting the condition and status of women in the society to help and generate training programme for self employment of needy people and women.

To create means for providing medical assistance to the people suffering from diseases and providing help people suffering from natural calamities such as flood, Earthquakes, and other any kind of accidents under disaster management control.

To make effort to establish real democracy and social justice across state. To create awareness among the people regarding AIDS, Polio etc.

To raise fund through collection donation or subscription and other means and invest money in such manner as it shall promote the attainment of aims and objectives of our NGO.

To act as catalyst and facilitator for improving the quality of life in Rural India by creating awareness training and skills development and mobilizing the farming community and participating with them in implementation of development activities.

To adopt villages, blocks and districts for their sustainable development through creating awareness, organizing and involving local people and mobilization of local and external resources for developmental works.

To take up the activities of resource, inputs, water and environmental conservation programs and create awareness by involving people in suck activities so that this the become part of their activities, which not only reduces their costs of but also ensure sustainability of farming operations.

To create awareness about the primary education, health, sanitation and drinking water related issues and take up such projects which further the cause of the above by involving rural people, esp. poor, backwards and women masses.

 To undertake any other work/assignment which may be for the general welfare of the people?

To create pro-technology environment in Agriculture sector by conducting field studies, surveys and action research on the issues relating with the socio-economic aspects of rural poor and generate a process of sensitization among the vulnerable section of rural community.

To undertake training, capacity building, creation of a data bank of information and its dissemination, documentation related to development issues.

To conduct studies and organize expect discussions, seminar and conferences on current development issues and also organize workshops for creating awareness about latest technologies, inputs, marketing and Govt. schemes etc.

To provide help/shelter/facilities for old people children and disabled person for their welfare.

To organize forums seminars, camps etc. for spreading good living habits and moral values, cultures and methods of developing self confidence etc. and to create centres throughout the country for the above activities. Initiative, facilitate and support advocacy, networking and movements for influencing policies more effectively in favor of disadvantage sections. Advertise the program for the women and children development in the rural and urban areas which were conducted by the, Human welfare department Uttar Pradesh, Social welfare Board of central and state, kappart, Nabard, Sidvi, Ministry of Human resource, Unisef, Dwakara, Sipsa, Saif India, Helpage India, Rajev Foundation, Ockcem India, Care national women fund, Inter National Bank, Suda, Duda, World Health Organization, Minority Department, Women welfare commission of Central and Utter Pradesh, Directorate of Backward welfare of U.P. Ministry of Social Justice, Dirccbote of Handicapped welfare etc. Impart Training and conduct workshop etc to demonstrate the Agricultural and Rural Technology with people’s active involvement.

To replicate the rural technologies at village level, which are, introduce by the specialized Institutions in the country.

To create and manage forums for the promotion of corruption free environment, a just social, political and economic order. And to assist people’s movements against injustices, Human Rights violation, discrimination and deprivation by any individual or organization (s) whether Government of Non-Government.

To work as an enabling agent or resource center for Agriculture based organization/individuals. And to extend assistance in planning, formulation, execution, management, appraisal, evaluation of development projects anywhere in India.

To work towards establishment of rural charitable health car units in rural areas and on in all areas inhabited by poor and disadvantaged communities.

To provide access free information on health, basic Human Rights, education, vocational training for all particularly, the disabled, is advantaged and woman.

To work towards promotion and implementation of environment friendly activities such as Social Forestry, Watershed Conservation, Joint Forest Management etc.

To work for encouraging, establishing and empowering indigenous people owned organization and finding new innovative solution with the Indigenous groups for better, efficient and non-exploitive system of there niche profession.

To establish library and reading rooms for needy people. To establish centers for training, education and health.

To work towards health charitable basis, supplementing traditional indigenous system of medicines and to especially work towards upliftment of woman in particular.

To work towards empowering indigenous people for right, management and sustainable use of the resource bases and to work on the economic, social problems of the poor and disadvantaged by helping to bring into existence groups and organization of the poor and disadvantaged particularly in the rural areas.

To work with groups of the rural poor or the problems they face. This works will include help with programme planning issue-based training and linking with other with similar concerns.

To undertake development projects and programme, which improve the economic conditions of the poor, which may include conducting continuing function liberating educational programme, particularly for the underprivileged section of society.

To guide and support people organizations both organization working for the poor and organization of the poor through training, consultation, Programme planning and in any other way needed.

To conduct participatory research projects on problems affecting and to place the results of that research before groups, agencies, institutions, departments etc., working in that field.

To work for conservation, environment enrichment and to protect the environment and environment awareness and to organize seminars, workshops, Conferences, exchange visits, study tours etc. with the poor, and with those who work with the poor, on issues of common concern.

To Collaborate and maintain links with other organizations, groups and networks working with the poor, youth, women, S.C and S.T, minorities and backward classes welfare. To accept gifts, grants, donations and subscription of cash and securities and of any property movable or immovable.

To promote physical, moral, economic, literary and welfare activities by establishing educational and Vocational institution, libraries, Health Centers, Rehabilitation service centers and children welfare centers. Provide gainful employment to unemployed and underemployed and weaker section of the society by means of various economic rehabilitation programme.

To create atmosphere for the popularization of science and technology, Inventions, construction and to distribution of low cost toilet, drinking water supply and emphasis on water management for the development of agriculture.

To work for the improvement of agriculture, animal husband including gosambardhan and cottage industry and promote the use of ICT in agriculture and rural development.

To do all other lawful things as may be incidental to or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.

To obtain and accept grants from Indian and foreign donor, subscriptions, donation, gifts, bequests from Governments, Corporations, National, International Foundations, Business House, Trusts or any persons for the society.

To make effort to abolish bonded labour Sweated labour and child labour systems.

To Provide and establish Employments of workers in the occupation in which they can have satisfaction of giving the fullest measure of their skill, and make their contribution to the common well being.

To make follow provisions for child welfare and maternity protection.

To work for alleviating poverty and give shelter to orphaned and underprivileged children and to promote welfare activities aimed at the alleviation of human suffering and overall amelioration of society especially for the poor, helpless and weak.

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