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Janhit Foundation

180/7 Shastri Nagar
Meerut, Uttar Pradesh
Contact: Mrs. Anita Rana ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9412706850

Activities: Agriculture,Children,Physically & Mentally Challenged,Water/Climate,Slums
Janhit Foundation is an independent, not-for-profit non-governmental organization, actively engaged in the promotion of human welfare and environmental protection since 1998. It was registered in August 04, 1998 under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. Janhit Foundation concentrates its work in three principal sectors, water, agriculture and human rights. Specifically Janhit Foundation has undertaken various projects relating to the improvement in drinking water quality, the remediation of industrial water pollution, the conservation of water as a resource, the revitalization of existing natural water resource structures and raising awareness as to the importance of water as a finite resource. With regards to agriculture, Janhit Foundation has been promoting organic agriculture as an alternative to the conventional chemical based farming techniques employed by the majority of farmers in Western Uttar Pradesh. Consequently, we have been responsible for a change in attitude amongst farmers, through the implementation of various long-term projects supported by institutions such as Oxfam and the United Nations Development Programme. Asides from our environmental work, Janhit Foundation has been working in the field of Human/Child Rights since 2007. In April of that year, Janhit Foundation conducted a survey of slum children in Meerut District, Western Uttar Pradesh. The survey revealed that the number of school dropouts in the slum was at an all time high, with children in the slums mostly uncared for and unmonitored, partly a result of the fact that their parents are generally manual labourers. The slum children’s problems are compounded by the fact that the majority belong to Scheduled Castes and poor and marginalized sections of society. Since this time Janhit Foundation began working with the children in these communities and has constructed a small school in the local vicinity. Around 100 slum children are taught daily on various issues such as the culture of the country, environmental issues, Indian National Movement, hygiene and sanitation, first aid and general knowledge. In addition to this, Janhit Foundation has provided since April 2007, the Meerut CHILDLINE Service, a 24-hour, toll-free, emergency phone outreach service for children in need of care and protection, linking them to long-term services for their care and rehabilitation. The service focuses on the children in distress such as street children, children who have fled from their homes along with those in a situation of physical, mental and emotional abuse.

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