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Socio Economic Research Bureau, J&K.

110, A.G.Shopping Plaza, Baghi-Mehtab, Srinagar,Kashmir, J&K
Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir
Contact: G.R.Malik ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09419023456, 0941998
Website: Not Available

Activities: Forest & Environment
We are Socio Economic Research bureau, Symbolizing Solutions Introduction:- The Socio- Economics Research Bureau (SERB) was established in 2003 and registered in the same year under the Societies registration Act- XXI of 1860. It is non-partisan, non-political and non-profit organization working with the important object of betterment of relatively disadvantaged population groups. The main motto of SERB is to provide Economic Independence mostly to rural J&K, Tribal, disabled poor, downtrodden, orphaned children, people from backward, tribal and orphaned children of the society. The different programmes of the SERB Ensures:- • Economic and Educational Development. • Social Welfare of the Society. • Health care programme in the society and exploring promotion of • Exploring and promotion of rural tourism with particular reference of Eco- Tourism. As the SERB is devoted to words the development of the society, we firmly believe to provide opportunity to rural poor people. For this we encourage new and alternative practices/methods and technology particularly in Tourism, Industry, Education, Agriculture, Horticulture and other fields of Economics Development. We organize, Awareness camps, Seminars and workshops, vocational education emphasizing rural and tribal children. We also run health care programmes for and make concerted efforts for the promotion of education Health care, Rural tourism, Economic welfare programme in Tribal; backward and far flung areas. Objectives The Broad objectives of SERB are:- 1. To promote extend social Welfare services to all kinds of people. 2. To work for the Socio-Economic enlistment of people living below poverty line. 3. To endeavor for the Economic Development of the poor people in tribal and backward areas. 4. To conduct Seminar/awareness camps in the far flung area to generate quality Manpower in the field of IT, Digital Literacy Education and Health Care. 5. To conduct Research, Survey and evaluation studies and prepare project reports independently for Government. Non Government Organizations’. 6. To endeavor to impart training in the field of computer Education and Software Development in Urban and rural areas. 7. To promote Rural and Eco- tourism in the state. 8. To work for the upliftment of Orphan, women and children belonging to poor and Tribal Families. Our Work. The Executive Director of Socio Economic Research Bureau has Participated with National and International Organization I,e WHO, UNICEF, Ministry of Health and Family Planning Govt. of India in Conducting various studies/ Survey like: • Health Facilities Survey. • Rapid Child Health Survey (R.C.H.I) • Rapid Child Health Survey (RCH-II) • Literacy Mission. • District Health Survey (D.H.S) Phase II • Nutrition Survey under National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad Sponsored by UNICEF. • Appraisal of various Rural tourist Villages. • Prepared Project Reports of Several Rural Tourist villages. • Is the village stakeholder of Five Rural Tourist villages in J&K State under Implementation the software programmes for the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Govt. of India? • Has executed Agreement with the Ministry of Tourism and Culture. Government of India for seven more Rural Tourist Villages. • Has conducted Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS- India 2009) in J&K State under Indian Institute of Population Sciences. Mumbai Sponsored by the Ministry of Health and Family Planning Govt. of India. • Has conducted Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS-India 2009) In J&K State under Indian Institute of Population Sciences. Mumbai Sponsored by the Ministry of Health and Family A TECHNICAL BODY ALSO • SERB is a technical body which guides in the perception and conduct of technical studies on socio- Economic development nature. • Has a highly experienced team to complete studies and structure design and scheduling keeping in view the requisite basic objectives of the studies and pre- test them before those are conversed. MAN POWER:- • Socio- Economics Bureau has large number of qualified technical manpower at divisional and district levels. • Has technical trained professional to undertake studies and evaluation job at state and national levels. • Has sincere and dedicated staffs who work for the upliftment of poor people. SUPERVISION:- It has necessary infrastructure at division and district levels to supervise the field studies and implementing programmes. DATE ENTRY/ SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT:- Has centrally located tabulation units at divisional levels to compile/ tabulate vast volume of data collected by its investigators from the field. Has its own arrangement for date and as software development facilities also. ANALYSIS AND PREPARATION OF REPORTS. Has wide varied experienced to analyze the field data for Preparation of reports OUR LEADERS :- Shri G.R.Malik is the Executive Director of SERB. The Executive Director of Socio- Economic Research Bureau has rich experience of having conducted evaluation study of World Bank Aided Project and monitoring of other various programmes. • The Executive Director of Socio- Economics Research Bureau has been associated with the collection, collating and analyse the data of tourism Sector for the last more than two decades • Has conducted Tourist Expenditure Survey in J&K State Twice. • His work as Director Eco. & Sts has been appreciated at Central and State Govt. Levels. • Has received appreciation form Registrar General of India, Ministry of Home Affairs for good performance of Civil Registration System. • Has been appointed as Advisor (Civil Registration System in J&K by Registrar General of India, Ministry of Home Affairs. • As Consultant has conducted appraisal of tourist village Suransur & Jheri. • He is member of Society of statistics, Computer and Application ,New Delhi. • Is Member Technical Advisory Committee on evaluation on J&K Govt. • Is Life Member of Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA) • Is Life Member of INTAC. India. • Has worked as Consultant in J&K State Finance Commission. • Is implementing Software (Capacity Building) Programme of Tourism Department. FIELD EXPERIENCE:- Executive Director / President of Socio- Economics Research Bureau has worked in different capacities in the following offices:- Planning and Development Department. Directorate of Economics and Statistics. Financial Commissioners Office. Distt. Development Commissioner Office Education Department. Regional Evaluation Statistics Office. Has conducted more than hundred Surveys and Evalution Studies and has attained vast and varied Experience of conducting Evaluation Studies Monitoring of Projects and plan Formulation. INFRASTRUCTURE OFFICES:- The Socio –Economics Research Bureau has two Offices to work in the city:- Head Office 110, A.G. Shopping Plaza Baghi- Mehtab, Extension Srinagar 190019 Branch Office House No.4, Lane 4, Chinar Sector, Baghi Mehtab, Extension, Srinagar.

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