H.No: 7E-2/3-27, 10th Division,Postal Beat No:6 Near Ambedkar Statue,
West Godavari, Andhra & Telangana
Contact: B.CHAKRAVARTHI ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09949483944
E-mail: nhysritydc@gmail.com
Website: Not Available
Forest & Environment,Women/Gender,Children,Education,Training,Health/Nutrition,HIV AIDS/SRH,Livelihood,Disaster Management,Youth,Artisans/Cottage Industry,Legal Assistance,Capacity Building
To work for development of Nationalism, Honesty, participation in Social Activities, perseverance, discipline, self-confidence, Commitment and simplicity among youth. To work for the welfare of the weaker sections in general and the schedule casts, schedule tribes and economically backwards, minority’s adolescents & youth. To create Welfare Fund to aid the Dalits whenever they are in need. To work for the construction of Office for the meetings of members at one place to change their problems, development of solidarity and for performing any auspicious ceremonies. To take up all activities necessary for the development of the Society. To Start and run educational institutions from Nursery to High School and Colleges &Para Medical Coerces in General Technical to the children, adolescent youth & youth both men & women in Telugu and English medium. To conduct coaching classes for youth those who wish to appear for different types of competitive examinations like national & state vide. To development of human resources through educational opportunities for children, adolescents, youth protection of human rights and children rights through our activities and giving awareness about above said topics. To create sponsorship to Children for their development. To promote the Rural Sports & Games and Gyms establishment, play ground development activities. To under take relief measures, rehabilitation and reconstruction programmes for the development of urban, rural agency areas affected by natural calamities. To empowering youth through employment & entrepreneurship set up government aided projects such as environment friendly units SSI units, KVIC, CAPART, NABARD. Sericulture, Agriculture, Horticulture, Vermiculture, Honey culture, Mushroom culture Dairy & Science and technology, sponsored by Central government schemes.