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Mahendragarh, Haryana
Contact: RAJBIR YADAV ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9416094936
Website: Not Available

Activities: Agriculture,Forest & Environment,Women/Gender,Children,Education,Training,Tribal & Indegeneous,Micro Finance,Sponsorship/Adoption,Organisational Devp,Research & Doc,Health/Nutrition,HIV AIDS/SRH,Livelihood,SHG/IGP,Disaster Management,Artisans,Physically & Mentally Challenged,Aged,Youth
: Project Title: Grils saving (Female infanticide) Budget: 6 lakhs Geographical Location: Rajasthan (Jodhpur & Jaisalmer) When: Since the project has wider social goal it naturally needs longer period to achieve it. The project will be implemented for 3-5 years, but the programmes and activities are decided for one year. Future plan of action will be prepared on the basis of the impact and experience gained in first year. First year should be seen as the consolidation year in which rapport will be developed with the community particularly with the women and basic environment will be promoted to implement the project. What: Girls saving prevent female infanticide. Why: As it is a feudal society, men domination over women comparatively is stronger in this area. One can see gender inequity in all parts of the life in the area. There is no platform where women can meet and interact with each other and discuss the issues regarding their life. They are less educated and do not have access to any source of information like newspaper, radio, TV. etc. They are unaware of most of the developments in the society. Department of Women and Child Development have announced its women policy for the state but it is hardly known for the women in rural area. They are still following the traditions, customs, beliefs that are adversely affecting their life. For example many of the women believe that educating s girl is of no use. Women should obey men and should not go out alone etc. There is no platform where women can approach in case of any atrocity, misbehavior and injustice with them. Women do not have control over financial resources so that they are dependent on men for financial requirement. There is no forum for protection of women interest in programmes run by panchayat, administration or any other organization. Besides no forums are working to ensure equal opportunities for women in all parts of the life. Women have to work hard for collecting fuel wood, fetching drinking water and in other domestic works. Their education and health are given low priority. Though they are representing in Panchayati Raj Institutions but their representation is of no importance as all there rights / powers are utilize by the male family members. At the time of drought / famine or any other calamity they are most sufferers. As the caste system prevails very strongly in the area, women are also victim of this practice. They are also divided on the caste basis, even of the sub-cast basis and do not emerge as a united force so that they can work to achieve their constitutional rights. It is very unfortunate that they do not participate actively in development process. There is great need to work for their social economic development so that women can also have equal opportunity in all parts of the life. Different communities treat women in different manners. Some communities love to have girl child as they take handsome money at the time of her marriage. But they do not care for her education and health as well. While some other communities do not want a girl child to be in their family. They still practice female infanticide. Project will initially cover 15 villages from two panchayats namely Swami Ka Gaon and Rajdal. These two panchayat have a population of 7829 persons (according to 2001 census) out of which 11% and 2% persons belong to SC and ST respectively. Besides more then 500 families (2758 persons) belong to minority. Who: Girls and women. How: Following activities will be carried out under above mentioned programmes areas- * Women groups formation- Women groups will be promoted in all project villages. There may be more then one group in a village considering size of the village. Emphasis will be given to ensure adequate representation from all sections of the society. These groups will be responsible for mobilizing women participation and ensuring proper communication / coordination. * Self-help groups (SHG)- Self-help groups (SHG) will be formed in all project villages. Women will be motivated to join SHGs and run these SHGs on regular basis so that they can get proper advantage of this programme. It is planned to form 40 SHGs in the project area. * Perspective meets- Perspective meets will be organised for women. Emphasis will be given to educate women on above mention issues. These meets will be organised at a convenient place so that women from nearby villages can participate easily and local available resources could be utilized. It is planned to organise four perspective meets (Two in each panchayat). It is decided that 25 women will participate in one meet, which will last for two days. * Learning visit- Women will be given opportunity to learn from the work being done by other institutions in field of SHGs, women empowerment and gender equity. For this an exposure visit will be organised. There are some good NGOs working in there areas like SURE, Barmer; UMBVS, Phalodi etc. It is planned to organisation five days visit for 20 women from the project area. * Communication / Resource / reference material - There is a great need to develop appropriate resource material, which is helpful in communicating the ideas and information among the women in project area. It is planned to develop such resource material on above-mentioned issues with the help of other groups / individual working on these issues. * Desert Women Conference As the core issue of the project is female infanticide, it is very much required strengthening women leadership in the area. MARUBHOOMI has planned to bring all active women on one platform so that they can show their solidarity towards each other and share their opinion. For this two day Desert Women Conference will be organized. Approximately more than 100 women from the operational area will participate in this meet. It is planed to have discussion on gender equity and female infanticide and organize a rally on this occassion. It is also planed to form a common women forum, which will closely work with the Gender Equity Network, promoted by MARUBHOOMI on the issue of female infanticide. * Research & documentation - In a patriarchal society there are to many reasons and ways to maintain men dominance on women. It is of great importance to identify those reasons and bring it in notice of the community. It is planned to work for document such customs, beliefs, traditions, sayings, rules & practices important from gender equity point of view. This will not only help in understanding many aspects or dimensions related to gender equity but will also help in designing appropriate measures. * Coordination with local administration Periodical sittings with local administration, various departments and the officials will be organized. Idea behind these sitting is to sensitize these people regarding gender equity and share the facts related to the status of women in various parts of the life. Cost: 585000.00 Sustainability: Following activities will be carried out under above mentioned programmes areas- * Women groups formation- Women groups will be promoted in all project villages. There may be more then one group in a village considering size of the village. Emphasis will be given to ensure adequate representation from all sections of the society. These groups will be responsible for mobilizing women participation and ensuring proper communication / coordination. * Self-help groups (SHG)- Self-help groups (SHG) will be formed in all project villages. Women will be motivated to join SHGs and run these SHGs on regular basis so that they can get proper advantage of this programme. It is planned to form 40 SHGs in the project area. * Perspective meets- Perspective meets will be organised for women. Emphasis will be given to educate women on above mention issues. These meets will be organised at a convenient place so that women from nearby villages can participate easily and local available resources could be utilized. It is planned to organise four perspective meets (Two in each panchayat). It is decided that 25 women will participate in one meet, which will last for two days. * Learning visit- Women will be given opportunity to learn from the work being done by other institutions in field of SHGs, women empowerment and gender equity. For this an exposure visit will be organised. There are some good NGOs working in there areas like SURE, Barmer; UMBVS, Phalodi etc. It is planned to organisation five days visit for 20 women from the project area. * Communication / Resource / reference material - There is a great need to develop appropriate resource material, which is helpful in communicating the ideas and information among the women in project area. It is planned to develop such resource material on above-mentioned issues with the help of other groups / individual working on these issues. * Desert Women Conference As the core issue of the project is female infanticide, it is very much required strengthening women leadership in the area. MARUBHOOMI has planned to bring all active women on one platform so that they can show their solidarity towards each other and share their opinion. For this two day Desert Women Conference will be organized. Approximately more than 100 women from the operational area will participate in this meet. It is planed to have discussion on gender equity and female infanticide and organize a rally on this occassion. It is also planed to form a common women forum, which will closely work with the Gender Equity Network, promoted by MARUBHOOMI on the issue of female infanticide. * Research & documentation - In a patriarchal society there are to many reasons and ways to maintain men dominance on women. It is of great importance to identify those reasons and bring it in notice of the community. It is planned to work for document such customs, beliefs, traditions, sayings, rules & practices important from gender equity point of view. This will not only help in understanding many aspects or dimensions related to gender equity but will also help in designing appropriate measures. * Coordination with local administration Periodical sittings with local administration, various departments and the officials will be organized. Idea behind these sitting is to sensitize these people regarding gender equity and share the facts related to the status of women in various parts of the life.

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