Hall No ; 2, Old Bustand(Upstair)
Cuddapah, Andhra & Telangana
Contact: Dr.JAYANANDA RISHINADH ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: +91-9493222031
E-mail: sdc.trust@yahoo.com
Website: www.sdctrust.org.in
Capacity Building
OUR Mission Statement is the Bringing the living standards of Education, Empolyment Opportunity and to promote health and Social rights to those to whome such opportunities have previously been denied to poverty family curcumstances or Oppression. To work closely with oppressed and disa- dvantage communities and vulnerable se- ctions in breaking the centuries old cycle of ignorance and oppression by providing opportunities for health and education. The trust believes the best way to achieve long - term positive social change is through health and education and we work in the areas greatest need where no other health education is available to the poor and oppressed. To work with most vulnerable section of community to provide support and encouragement to health improve their living and social conditions through the integrated development activities.