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Garib Nawaz Jail Victim Welfare Society

591/16-A, Near Nehru Gali, 60-futa road,Vishwas Nagar, Shahdara,Delhi-110032
North East Dehli, Delhi
Contact: M.P.Shukla ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09958683737

Activities: Human Rights
The mission of the GNJVWS is that underprivileged people remain the nuclear of all development activities. GNJVWS is executing the development activities in the urban slums, resettlement colonies and rural to reach out maximum number of community people who are socially, economically, politically and culturally disadvantaged. The society firmly believes in the holistic development in its totality of the community people. Therefore, all efforts are made to bring a positive change in the over all situation of deprived community by introducing number of activities for their development. This is the strong belief of the society that a unique social order can only be maintained by involving every individual to experience the benefits of development. Hence, the society is presently working with nearly 1 million people of its targeted intervention area. GNJVWS is running nearly 17 project of development and almost all the people of the community e.g. women, children, senior citizen, physically challenged and orphan and destitute are being benefited by the programmes.

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