Boudh, Orissa
Contact: Tukuna Mahanty ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: +919438241119
Website: Not Available
Aim & Objectives:
>To empower the disadvantages sections of the community viz. Dalit, Tribal and other marginalized sections of the community for enhancing their socio-economic status with equality and dignity.
> To co-operate with the government in all matters of national and international concern in the field of science, literature, art, education and promote the diffusion of useful knowledge.
To promote the rehabilitation of the child laborers through integrated package of services like Nutrition Education, Health Care and Vocational training for their all- round capacity building.
To provide consultancy service to different government and non-government agencies in matters relating to research, planning, training, policy implementation, monitoring, evaluation etc. in different fields.
To organize training, workshops, seminars and other extension activities for capacity development of the target groups.
To promote better and quality education for the down trodden community.
To promote community health and sanitation
To promote traditional cultural heritages & practices of the dalit & tribal communities.
To undertake various programmers on health, education, socio- economic development for the upliftment of tribal’s, Dalits and minorities and to bring them justice in the society. To mobilize the community to access to Resources both Natural and Human to be self reliant and live a life with dignity.