NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
It contains a wealth of information regarding NGOs, NGO management, finalcial and legal aspects.
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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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Jai Foundation

Indra Bhavan, A-6, Vidhya Nagar, Opp. Barkatullah University,
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
Contact: Mr. Narendra Singh ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9425651620
Website: Not Available

Activities: Agriculture,Forest & Environment,Women/Gender,Children,Education,Training,Tribal & Indegeneous,Micro Finance,Sponsorship/Adoption,Organisational Devp,Research & Doc,Health/Nutrition,HIV AIDS/SRH,Livelihood,SHG/IGP,Disaster Management,Artisans,Physically & Mentally Challenged,Aged,Youth
OBJECTIVES 1. To provide learning facilities to men and women of exceptional caliber for pursuing careers 2. To promote knowledge through research, applied and conceptual, relevant to technology, management and to disseminate such knowledge through publications. 3. To participate in and contribute to the formulation of public policy, which would provide answers to questions of social importance. 4. To enhance the decision-making skills and the administrative competence of practicing managers and assist organizations to solve their managerial problems by providing them with consulting services based on actual requirements. 5. To contribute to poor peoples’ ability to emerge from poverty, deprivation and insecurity and to challenge the social and economic factors that keep them deprived from their fundamental rights to life and livelihood, by increasing and promoting livelihood opportunities and security; 6. To conduct research, study and documentation to find out the gaps in present structure, system and policies that affect the live and livelihood of the poor and marginalized sections for further advocacy to bring changes 7. To collaborate and co-ordinate with Government Machineries for bringing out a common need–based and poverty-focused development of the poor people irrespective of caste and creed. 8. To coordinate activities and help in the development of child rights movement specially delinquent, vulnerable children and children of the disadvantages section; 9. To organize and empower the poor, disadvantaged, oppressed Dalits, Tribal, women and other marginalized section to eliminate the systemic as well as structural disparities for no discriminative decent standard of lives; 10. To sensitize the community and advocate for pro-poor policies which safeguard the children, dalits, tribals, women person with disability (PWD), PLHA and other excluded people; 11. To support and encouraged the formation of person with disability organizations to coordinate the work for equal rights and equalisation of opportunities for person with disability e.g. visually impaired, physical disabled, hearing impaired etc in the society; 12. To educate the community for further protection and promotion the natural resources like land, water & forest for sustainable livelihood as well as eco restorations; 13. To involve and participate in collaborative efforts during natural calamities like flood, drought epidemic or any critical issue(s) of the community for amelioration of peoples’ plight. 14. To create appropriate pro-poor development models for further replication as well as larger advocacy to influence the policy level. 15. To act for promotion of organic farming bio-fertilizers, bio-pesticides, medicinal plantation, conservation of traditional seeds & bio-diversity; 16. To raise public awareness especially amongst women and decision makers on gender gaps, issues, development needs as well as advocate and lobby for women’s empowerment and gender equity; 17. To create opportunities for disadvantage women mass irrespective of caste and creed in respect of awareness, vocational training and entrepreneurship measures for economic growth through ensuring their participation in the larger decision making processes at all levels MISSION 1. To meet the need of the industry & commerce by providing human resources with the required knowledge and skills and also promoting, disseminating, developing and transferring technology. 2. To develop as a model technological institution. 3. To support the development of country & the promotion of National Integration. 4. Development of technical skills and competence in women, disabled and the underprivileged. 5. Promotion and creation of self sustaining autonomous technical institutions to respond quickly to the trends, forces and changes in technological advancement and globalization of the economy. 6. To create an atmosphere of a residential training institution of academic excellence measured by faculty quality, academic output, quality of students, alumni achievement and satisfaction of all stakeholders backed up by appropriate infrastructure which help to create a conducive atmosphere for teaching, learning, research, development, training, reflection and contemplation. 7. To attract quality students in appropriate numbers and cater to their needs so that their potential can be fully developed. Students will be trained to a high level of self-confidence in their knowledge and ability ensuring highly ease of placement. 8. To develop programs in areas of community need such as vocational training for youth at affordable cost, orient the research & development activities to students. 9. To achieve balanced growth and robust financial self sustainability including adequate return on investment of financial institutions and other investors including, but not largely dependent on student fees. 10. To become a centre for excellence in the area of enterprise promotion and development through training / research / publication etc. 11. To establish itself as a storehouse of information and talents for helping individuals to nurture and develop entrepreneurs in various fields. 12. To become a nodal research and development institute in the field of entrepreneurship development. 13. To be best among all the state / national level Entrepreneur Development (ED) organizations. 14. To serve as Credit Facilitation Centre providing consultancy services in all sectors. 15. To create an environment where entrepreneurship occupies a place of pride in overall planning and developmental activities. 16. To sensitize the policy makers and planners about the need, urgency and strategy towards enterprise creation and development. 17. To help its human resources to develop their competency for the better role performance. 18. To penetrate the use and application of Information Technology at the grass root level. 19. To broaden the service mix, in order to offer quality services in every sphere of human resource development and related aspects. 20. To promote entrepreneurship through Public-Private Partnership. 21. To create an enabling environment / facilities for employment of urban / rural youth. 22. To be a leading organisation in the field of vocational education and training. 23. To strive for livelihood of rural masses through intervention in agriculture and allied activities. VISION The Vision of the Organisation shall be a society where poor, deprived, excluded and marginalized have equal access and control over their rights and entitlements, resources and institutions in order to lead a life with dignity. A globally respected organisation that shapes trained professionals in India by creating new frontiers and developing ethical, dependable, entrepreneurial, and socially sensitive leader-managers committed to excellence and create an educational environment in which people are prepared to meet the challenges of a modern industrial society by equipping them with. Up to date technical knowledge. Analytical and Practical Skills. Management Competence. GOAL The Goal of the Organisation shall be to help people to help themselves for cultivating a better life and a just society, where voices of the poorest, deprived and marginalised are heard and develop out of ownership and participation.

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