NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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National Human Development Foundation (J&K)

R/O Village Kanuyian Tehsil Haveli District Poonch J&K
Poonch, Jammu & Kashmir
Contact: shabnam ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9797574005

Activities: Children,Education,Training,Research & Doc,Welfare,Inf& Communications,Human Rights,Capacity Building
To empower and involve the Youth in Nation building activities and develop their values through Technical (skill Dev Education) It is all round sustainable development and especially betterment for poor and needy students and non students of rural youth & Child. The main objective of the Foundation is ‘to develop the skills of Youth through Modern technology and enrollment of children, particularly girls for primary and Higher Education and promotion of social service and programmes in priority sector, such as Employment generation, literacy, Family welfare, environment, general equality and women’s empowerment Through establishing Technical & Professional Institute. It largest grassroots level organization; one of its kind in the State. It channelizes the power of youth on the principles of voluntarism, self-help and community participation. NHDF has established a network of empowerment youth & Child in field, such as Tutorials, Technical and Professional Institute libraries, Reading Room, Hotels etc. where NHDF have been set up Information Technology National Institute of Research & Development Poonch (ITNIR&DP) which aims is to provide Professional Technical Education to Rural both Male and Female Youth for self their employment. It has targeted to identify areas of harnessing youth power for development by forming Human Resource and Information Centre, Youth Clubs, Mehilla Mandal,Teen Clubs, which are village level voluntary action groups of youth & Child at the grassroots level to involve them in nation building activities.

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