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Jawahar Jyoti Bal Vikas Kendra

Village - Akhtiarpur
Samastipur, Bihar
Contact: Surendra Kumar ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09430242926
Website: Not Available

Activities: Agriculture,Forest & Environment,Women/Gender,Children,Education,Training,Organisational Devp,Health/Nutrition,Livelihood,SHG/IGP,Disaster Management,Youth,Water/Climate,Slums,Welfare,CSR,Pollution/Waste Mgt,Human Rights,Legal Assistance
1: Organization Profile a. Introduction of implementing agency: “JAWAHAR JYOTI BAL VIKAS KENDRA, DISTRICT- SAMASTIPUR (BIHAR)” is a non- political, non-communal and non profitable making voluntary organization established on 15th of Aug 1986. It was legally registered under societies Registration ACT -XXI of 1860 on dated 10th January 2004 vide the registration no. 1176/2003-04. JAWAHAR JYOTI BAL VIKAS KENDRA is working for socio-economic, educational and cultural development of the most- neglected, oppressed, downtrodden and disadvantaged sections of the society. It is a management centre for behavior studies, vocational, environmental training and consultancies for their rights & movement to them for equity and gender just society. The major concern in the JJBVK are schedule caste, downtrodden peoples, slums, child rights issues, Human rights issues, Health and hygiene, sanitation, public distribution system, ICDS-strengthen, vocational training & soft skill management. these areas have to deal in ways that generate employment for the educated/ literate employed, by taking up natural resources and social development projects and providing training and consultancies, secondly to cater to the needs of the deprived section, the handicapped who need to be specially looked after and provided for the children and girl child, their rights and the old and destitute. At the same time it also works for the mobilizing different stakeholder on different issues, sustainable development, and development alternative livelihood opportunity. “JAWAHAR JYOTI BAL VIKAS KENDRA (JJBVK)” is started as a voluntary organization working for overall developmental of the deprived people at the grass root level through its different sustainable development activities. It has own dedicated team of social workers, volunteer and professional persons, Technical experts, Academician, Female activists. The team members of the JJBVK are totally dedicated for the sustainable development of the underprivileged and marginalize, needy and most neglected community. JJBVK has his own computerized database information system for maintain data and analysis. JJBVK is working for integrated development of rural poor, child labor, dropout students, farmers, orphans, and underprivileged & marginalized community. We want to enable them to get their dignified rights which are necessary for human being. JJBVK is a firm conviction that rural deprived population can only be made to work if they are organized by organizing village level, cluster level, block level and sometimes district level meetings of its target groups. We are trying to organise them in a proper effective ways i.e; formation of Gram Sabha, Mahila Mandal, self help group, cluster level committee, federation and different sub committees for fulfillment of a particular purpose generated self help confidence among them and strengthen the organization. b. Objective of the organisation • To organize develop capabilities and train rural peoples and community to improve their position in society through socio-economic activities. • To work for the empowerment of the most- neglected, oppressed, downtrodden, disadvantaged, underprivileged, maragnlised section of the community specially Women and children. • To remove the bad practices like cast discrimination, gender decimation, dowry etc from the community. • To work for improving the educational status with in the most neglected and downtrodden community the strengthen them through different education related activity. • To moblise community for protecting environment with the help of plantation and natural resource management. At the same also work for the protection wild creatures. • To trained the farmers through different skills and new scientific agriculture technique and empowering them for improving the livelihood alternative with best agriculture practices. • To work for the rehabilitation and resettlement of disable & handicapped persons and linked them with government social schemes. • To promote the renewable sources of energy within the community and provided knowledge about different sources and method of renewable source of energy. c. Organisation Vision: A healthy & Eco-friendly world with empowered men, women and children with capacities of self reliance, self esteem and self realization / actualization, every child are also stand up for their rights, socio-economic structure are also equal & education system is equal for all. d. Mission: JJBVK shall build a equal socio-cultural system society, Where every men, women & children live equal & fight your human rights. JJBVK also build the capacity of younger in various vocational along with helping them to lead a healthy, balanced value, enriched eco-friendly empathetic individuals in tandem with needs of immediate society and model for younger’s future generation. e. Our Past Experiences and main intervention: Education: • Strengthen of Bal Panchayat • Strengthening of child right • Bal Really • Nukkad Natak and Cultural program • Workshop on RTE 2009 • Exposure visit of Bal panchayat leaders Health • Training workshop o Health and nutrition’s • Sensitization meeting of Early marriage • Advocacy • Mobilization for child birth registration and immunisation • Livelihood • Training program for wage labour • Work of social audit of MANREGA • youth workshop • Workshop of fisherman1) Chapter 1: Organization Profile a. Introduction of implementing agency: “JAWAHAR JYOTI BAL VIKAS KENDRA, DISTRICT- SAMASTIPUR (BIHAR)” is a non- political, non-communal and non profitable making voluntary organization established on 15th of Aug 1986. It was legally registered under societies Registration ACT -XXI of 1860 on dated 10th January 2004 vide the registration no. 1176/2003-04. JAWAHAR JYOTI BAL VIKAS KENDRA is working for socio-economic, educational and cultural development of the most- neglected, oppressed, downtrodden and disadvantaged sections of the society. It is a management centre for behavior studies, vocational, environmental training and consultancies for their rights & movement to them for equity and gender just society. The major concern in the JJBVK are schedule caste, downtrodden peoples, slums, child rights issues, Human rights issues, Health and hygiene, sanitation, public distribution system, ICDS-strengthen, vocational training & soft skill management. these areas have to deal in ways that generate employment for the educated/ literate employed, by taking up natural resources and social development projects and providing training and consultancies, secondly to cater to the needs of the deprived section, the handicapped who need to be specially looked after and provided for the children and girl child, their rights and the old and destitute. At the same time it also works for the mobilizing different stakeholder on different issues, sustainable development, and development alternative livelihood opportunity. “JAWAHAR JYOTI BAL VIKAS KENDRA (JJBVK)” is started as a voluntary organization working for overall developmental of the deprived people at the grass root level through its different sustainable development activities. It has own dedicated team of social workers, volunteer and professional persons, Technical experts, Academician, Female activists. The team members of the JJBVK are totally dedicated for the sustainable development of the underprivileged and marginalize, needy and most neglected community. JJBVK has his own computerized database information system for maintain data and analysis. JJBVK is working for integrated development of rural poor, child labor, dropout students, farmers, orphans, and underprivileged & marginalized community. We want to enable them to get their dignified rights which are necessary for human being. JJBVK is a firm conviction that rural deprived population can only be made to work if they are organized by organizing village level, cluster level, block level and sometimes district level meetings of its target groups. We are trying to organise them in a proper effective ways i.e; formation of Gram Sabha, Mahila Mandal, self help group, cluster level committee, federation and different sub committees for fulfillment of a particular purpose generated self help confidence among them and strengthen the organization. b. Objective of the organisation • To organize develop capabilities and train rural peoples and community to improve their position in society through socio-economic activities. • To work for the empowerment of the most- neglected, oppressed, downtrodden, disadvantaged, underprivileged, maragnlised section of the community specially Women and children. • To remove the bad practices like cast discrimination, gender decimation, dowry etc from the community. • To work for improving the educational status with in the most neglected and downtrodden community the strengthen them through different education related activity. • To moblise community for protecting environment with the help of plantation and natural resource management. At the same also work for the protection wild creatures. • To trained the farmers through different skills and new scientific agriculture technique and empowering them for improving the livelihood alternative with best agriculture practices. • To work for the rehabilitation and resettlement of disable & handicapped persons and linked them with government social schemes. • To promote the renewable sources of energy within the community and provided knowledge about different sources and method of renewable source of energy. c. Organisation Vision: A healthy & Eco-friendly world with empowered men, women and children with capacities of self reliance, self esteem and self realization / actualization, every child are also stand up for their rights, socio-economic structure are also equal & education system is equal for all. d. Mission: JJBVK shall build a equal socio-cultural system society, Where every men, women & children live equal & fight your human rights. JJBVK also build the capacity of younger in various vocational along with helping them to lead a healthy, balanced value, enriched eco-friendly empathetic individuals in tandem with needs of immediate society and model for younger’s future generation. e. Our Past Experiences and main intervention: Education: • Strengthen of Bal Panchayat • Strengthening of child right • Bal Really • Nukkad Natak and Cultural program • Workshop on RTE 2009 • Exposure visit of Bal panchayat leaders Health • Training workshop o Health and nutrition’s • Sensitization meeting of Early marriage • Advocacy • Mobilization for child birth registration and immunisation • Livelihood • Training program for wage labour • Work of social audit of MANREGA • youth workshop • Workshop of fisherman b. Objective of the organisation • To organize develop capabilities and train rural peoples and community to improve their position in society through socio-economic activities. • To work for the empowerment of the most- neglected, oppressed, downtrodden, disadvantaged, underprivileged, maragnlised section of the community specially Women and children. • To remove the bad practices like cast discrimination, gender decimation, dowry etc from the community. • To work for improving the educational status with in the most neglected and downtrodden community the strengthen them through different education related activity. • To moblise community for protecting environment with the help of plantation and natural resource management. At the same also work for the protection wild creatures. • To trained the farmers through different skills and new scientific agriculture technique and empowering them for improving the livelihood alternative with best agriculture practices. • To work for the rehabilitation and resettlement of disable & handicapped persons and linked them with government social schemes. • To promote the renewable sources of energy within the community and provided knowledge about different sources and method of renewable source of energy. c. Organisation Vision: A healthy & Eco-friendly world with empowered men, women and children with capacities of self reliance, self esteem and self realization / actualization, every child are also stand up for their rights, socio-economic structure are also equal & education system is equal for all. d. Mission: JJBVK shall build a equal socio-cultural system society, Where every men, women & children live equal & fight your human rights. JJBVK also build the capacity of younger in various vocational along with helping them to lead a healthy, balanced value, enriched eco-friendly empathetic individuals in tandem with needs of immediate society and model for younger’s future generation.

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