NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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B 301 Lekhraj Parishar, Road No-3, East Patel Nagar
Patna, Bihar
Contact: Yogendra Roy ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 7250795000

Activities: Health/Nutrition
The organization- JAN KALYAN SAMITI BIKRAMGANJ was establish in Patna (Bihar) by the meetings of youths, landless, intellectuals, farmers, migrants for solving the problems of rural poor, farmers and landless persons. From the very inception we stressed on development of women and child in terms of education, health, employment, training, rights mode etc. Firstly we identified the rural youths and volunteers for mobilizing the rural people and women in the active participation of rural development process. We have undertaken various developmental interventions by the support of Govt. and Non-Govt. Agency, in the areas of drinking water, low cost toilets, excavation of ahars, pains, environment education, Small family norm and spacing methods, Adult education center, in Rohtas District. Presently thousands of people are associated with our mission and take part in decision-making process during planning process, design and monitoring and evaluation for greater transparency and smooth implementation of the projects. It is registered under Society Registration Act. XXI, 1860. After observing various problems, we the people o-decided to setup a voluntary organization that will be advocate for the protection of human rights issues. We have undertaken man appreciable works in the areas of education, safe drinking water and sanitation, primary health care, environment etc. We always involve in local people in planning, design, implementation and evaluation. We always involve in local people, minorities, Dalit, Women should get the entitlements of Socio-economic, Political and cultural rights. Our approach of field operation is participatory mechanism. We stress on the principle of self help action. The organization is a non-profit making registered voluntary organization working for the cause of downtrodden and suppressed people.The organisation in the field of health through its several health programmes achieved. The active involvement of board members as well as general member in the implementation of the programs has further contributed to the development of the organization. However, inability to fully mobilize the Potential of many other members has been seen as a weakness of the organization. From its inception, the organization had been in the field of education through its several educational programmes/activities. Since, the society believes strongly that it is through education that the details and other weaker sections can come to grips with their own rights and claim it legitimately. We have been successful in our efforts to make the people aware of their rights.

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