NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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jeevan vikas trust budhel

At.Budhel. Ta.Disti. Bhavnagar (Gujarat ) India
Bhavnagar, Gujarat
Contact: manish.vasani ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09427749098
Website: Not Available

With reference to above, Our NGO named Jeevan Vikas Trust Budhel, Ta. & Dist. Bhavnagar is working with agriculture Dept., Horticulture Dept., Health services , Irrigation Dept. & ATMA since last five years for organizing farmer training / meeting programme, Farmers field school (FFS) , crop seminars, Krishi mela, Krishi mahotswa & and watershed development work like construction of checkdam & boribandh and plantation off tree etc. So you are requested to permit our NGO for your department and allots the the works as mentioned above in your department. We assured that the work should be done in-time and as per norms or as per requirement. So please chance may be given to us as in future as per your conveyances. We have technocrats of Agriculture department, well experience in extension services. We are interested for further activities of same line with state / Central Govt. Our NGO was more than 5 year old, having registered with 80G & 12A certificate. For various activities we require funds from donors. weather you May help us ? Thanking you.

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