NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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It contains a wealth of information regarding NGOs, NGO management, finalcial and legal aspects.
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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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Thiruvallur, Tamil Nadu
Contact: SARAVANA D ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available



LIFE AID CENTER FOR THE DISABLED is an ngo working in Thiruvallur district of Tamil Nadu with the following objectives.


1. To perform works of charity for those in need, irrespective of Race, Caste, Community or creed.

2. To engage in social activities aimed at improving the living standard of the rural poor, general welfare of the rural women and children, Handicapped people, Destitute women, Tribal women and children and other working people, as well as poor and indigent persons of whatsoever occupation without distinction of Race, community, caste or creed.

 3. Conduct, Manage, promote, Maintain, Equip, Administer, Homes for the orphanages and Disabled children, Social welfare centers, Work guilds, recreational centers, Youth centers, Study circles, Schools and other related institutions repromote the objects of the society.

4. To undertake and execute social service projects for the backward and downtrodden rural people without distinction of caste, creed, color and race.

5. To seek the collaboration and co – operation of other voluntary agencies and Government agencies (Both in India and Abroad) for Health, Education and socio – Economic Development activities in the rural villages and in relief programme during natural calamities and other Emergencies.

6. To work for the repatriates for their social and Economical Development.

7. To engage informal and Non – formal Adult Education for development of the rural community.

8. To motivate, Educate and organize the youths and the villagers to enhance their, economical and cultural status with their involvement.

 9. To maintain library of literature, magazines and periodicals to the developments of the rural people.

10. To prepare students for competitive examination conducted by the various selection boards of the central and state Government as well as by the universities and other organizations.

11. To arrange and conduct job oriented course / schemes in order to make the rural young men and women employable.

12. To the same extent as natural persons right or control to execute, lease, mortgage, loan, gift, grant, legacy, bequest, exchange, society, right privilege or otherwise form any person, company, Government or institution or anybody whatsoever or immovable properties of all descriptions deemed necessary or useful for any purpose of the society.

13. To have perpectural succession by its corporate name to erect building and construction whatsoever to further any purpose Administer, Develop, Improve, Alter, Repair, Demolish or Reconstruct the same or any portion there of.

14. To take, to receive any gift whether money or property movable or immovable, donations in the forms of Debentures, stocks, shares or securities in any company or society whether incorporated or not or whether by gifts by a person living or by legacy, bequest, will or foundation and whether subject to any special trust or not for any one or more of the society or and to take such steps of the society as may time to time be deemed expedient.

15. To alienate by way of sale, mortgage, lease, release, loan, charge, pledge, exchange, hireout, gift or otherwise with or without security, the properties of funds of the society or any portion or portion thereof, including the making or giving of subscription, contributions or assistance pecuniary or otherwise to charitable, Educational Ecclesiastical religious, Benevolent social welfare or other institutions, bodies, persons as may be necessary or appropriate.

16. To invest lay aside, deposits in banks or otherwise deal with the money or funds of the society and to subscribe, for purchase acquire, hold, seal, endorse and negotiable in everyway debentures, stocks, shares and securities of every descript or on the money – market.

17. To negotiate with and to enter into arrangements with any Government or authority whether central, state, district, municipal, local university of other public or private body as may seem conducive to the promotion or accomplishment of the society and to apply for, obtain, collect, receive or recover from such Government or authority or body such grants, allowances, rights, concessions and privilleges as may seem from time to time desirable and to carryout, exercise, comply with and utilize the same.

18. To borrow and to raise funds with or without security any manner the society may think fit and to repay the same.

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