Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
91 532 2644032,91+98
Contact: Chief Functionary
Mobile Number: Not Available
E-mail: drram_chandra@yahoo.co.in
Website: Not Available
Children,Education,Training,Research & Doc,Others
Activities: research development of peolpe education
This is the reference to your website to bring your kind notice that "R. S
AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH & TRAINING INSTITUTE" partaining grass root level trainings.to school dropouts, farmers, farm women,rural youths and extension workers for tranfer of new technologies for their self employment. we are seeking grant to
excute the training programmes at large scale. Therefore I request to kind help us
for / redirect to some one who can assist to no. of rural poorest in poor people who
are seeking hand to mouth earning through self employment.Our NGO is seeking
assistant for the same.