NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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V-Excel Educational Trust

#1 Norton 2nd Street
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
91-44-24956373 / 246
Contact: Dr.Vasudha Prakash ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available


V-Excel Educational Trust is an NGO working for the cause of children and young adults with developmental disabilities such as Autism, Mental Retardation, Attention Deficit Disorders, and Dyslexia, as well as those with physical, visual and hearing impairments. The organization is spearheaded by Dr. Vasudha Prakash, [M.A. in Clinical Psychology from Mumbai and Doctorate in Special Education from New Jersey, USA]. She was keen to give back to the society she grew in. So, after working in the US for a few years, she returned to India in 2001, and established a Charitable Trust in Chennai. The services offered initially were teacher training and special schooling; these later extended into many allied areas, based on requirements of the children and requests by their parents. As a quality service provider in the field of Special Education, V-Excel emphasizes on holistic development of special children with a focus on their abilities, not disabilities. We would like to create a society where every individual counts and education extends beyond conventional teaching to pragmatic learning. Our mission is to make a difference in the world of disabilities. We firmly believe in human potential and emphasize on special education and its accessibility, regardless of caste, creed, race, religion and ethnicity.

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