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Janakalyan Pratisthan

Sivananda Nagar
Gajapati, Orissa
91 06815 223769
Contact: Durga Madhab Panda ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 91 09437012921


Vision: JKP aspires for a Society that is just, participatory, sustainable, free from exploitation and Discrimination with equality where individuals and groups have power to control their own lives in harmonious interdependence with nature.
Mission: Organize and empower the deprived marginalized poor specially STs enhancing leadership promoting CBOs through facilitation towards self reliance enable them to access and control over natural resources.
Empowerment of community, strengthen CBOs promote peoples Institutions
Development through Education of the community on academic and livelihoods.
Conservation and management of Natural Resources through Involvement of the   community .
Improvement in present Agriculture pattern and enhance production through appropriate and Indegeneous technology
Promote Community health and address local health issues through community based Interventions and coupled with clinical approaches
Goal: The culture of silence by the deprived mass poor class is to be broken through awareness and unity with a holistic approach which secures power to the powerless majority leading to classless society. Approach: The volunteers were involved who work with team sprit commitment and sharing responsibilities. Its approach with community based development programme promotes the values of selflessness without any trace of patronizing. Greater economic, social, political, equality and justice. Self reliant and interdependent on one another unity and cooperation between individuals and communities,.
Structure: Jana Kalyan Pratisthan develops the process of people’s organization forming village communities in micro level guided by multipurpose workers. Forming clusters and supreme bodies with peoples representation at the area macro levels guided by cluster promoters promoting federation and peoples organizations at the area level guided by the project coordinator and executive body. The general body consisting of twelve members and the Executive committee consisting of nine members including three women members.
General Body Members: 1. Sri. P.Kalidas Patnaik, President 2. Smt. Satyabati Panigrahy Vice-President 3. Sri. Durga Madhab Panda, Secretary 4. Mrs. Pramila Patra Joint-secretary 5. Sri. Ashok Coomar Padhy, Treasurer 6. Sri Deep Chandan Bardhan Member E.C 7. Smt Bhagyalaxmi NayakMember G.B 8. Dr. L.R.Jena Member E.C 9. Sri G.J.Patro Member E.C 10.Mrs. Sharon Rose Member G.B 11. Sri Uday Ch.Mallick Member G.B 12. Mrs. Sunemi Raito member G.B
Objectives of the organization:
To organize the weaker section of the society specially tribes irrespective of religion and sex promoting education, health, social cultural and economic standards of living.
To cooperate, collaborate and coordinate with government and Non-government agencies at the state, national and international level that are intended for the profit of weaker sections.
To educate the people through IEC on utilization of indigenous knowledge, rural skills and natural resources through proper communication methods electronic , TV and radio media.
To cooperate with other national and international organizations in tacking rural problems pertaining specially to environment, agriculture, cottage and small-scale industries.
To encourage rural women to enable them to stipulate cooperative societies and generally to undertaken such measures as will help in the creation and assertion of local leadership.

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