NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Himalayan Association for Research and Innovation

VPO Tundu, Shapur, Dharamshala
Kangra, Himachal Pradesh
Contact: Jayoti jamwal ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 919459543400


Himalayan Association for Research and Innovation is an NGO working in Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh on the following issues.
a) To sensitize the public on health & sanitation, education, environment, consumer rights, road safety and other social issues
b) To create the means for providing medical assistance to the people suffering from diseases, especially for helpless people and also organize blood donation/ medical diagnostic and yoga camps
c) To spread awareness amongst members and community and raise voice against the Social evils i.e. HIV/AIDS, Injustice, Corruption, Exploitation, Local issues, Drug addiction, Environment issues, Dowry, Child marriage, Child Labor, Illiteracy and Contemporary issues etc.
Rural/Tribal Development
a) To support education – cum motivational efforts with quality family planning, mother and child health services in rural/tribal area and to organize Awareness Movement for population control.
b) To manage and implement all Governmental and non-governmental schemes meant for human welfare
c) To work in resource-less and poor people from active involvement in rural development through public participation and promotion of their moral, social, educational and physical improvement
Horticulture/Agriculture/ Animal husbandry Upliftment
a) To promote, propagate, develop a general interest of people in agriculture, horticulture, vegetable farming, floriculture, honey bee farming, animal husbandry, poultry provides market facilities and organic farming
b) To work on animal medical care and animal rights, rehabilitation, sterilization, vaccination etc. and maintains Gaushalas
Disaster Management
a) To promote awareness on various natural/man made disasters, its the only effective way in which one can bring about mass participation. Hence, any disaster management is successful only when the general public has some awareness about the disaster.
b) To make every possible effort to control/manage the situation arising out of natural/ man-made disasters like flood, earthquake, drought, epidemic etc. and to provide necessary relief to the victims by securing financial and material support/assistance from other institutions, agencies and persons;
Environment Conservation
a) To implement and coordinate various projects aimed towards development and maintenance of environmentally, plantations and all other projects/issues for dealing bio-diversities.
b) To spread awareness for necessity of conservation of environment by way of workshops, seminars, conferences and publications etc.
c) To popularize and promote research on energy efficient technologies and renewable sources of energy.
Women Empowerment
a) Poverty, dependency, illiteracy, dowary, child marriage are some of the diseases in thousands of women’s life in the Indian society. It’s important to take steps to protect women and female children from the ill ailments of the society through organizing workshops and special sessions, to make them self reliant and bring them into the mainstream of the society
b) To help and generate training programs for education and upliftment of women and to work in adult education and provide help under health & nutrition services for women and children
Research Development/ Consultancy services
a) To undertake research, review, assessment and development of Social structure in various part of the state with the help of modern techniques like remote sensing and GIS
b) To raise funds National/International level or itself by association through collection, Consultancy services, and other means and invest money or incur expenditure in such manner as shall promote the attainment of aims and objectives of the Association
c) To carry out surveys, mapping, collection of data, its compilation and publication and preparation of reports of all types and publish it for imparting useful knowledge to the community and promotion of the various aims of the society
Promotion of Culture/Tourism
a) To promote tourism, custom, regional music, languages
b) To interact our culture with other culture and create awareness on all those traditional cultural values which are lost with time
Capacity Building
a) To organize and participate in international and regional meeting, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, fairs and produce literature and undertake publicity .

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