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Agency for Sustainable Development Initiatives

Church House,Mission Compound,Mawkhar
East Khasi Hills, Meghalaya
Contact: Amminot Sohliya ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9863115981


Agency for Sustainable Development Initiatives is an NGO workng n East Khasi Hills of Meghalaya wth the following aims and objectives.
Aims and Objectives The objects for which the Agency for Sustainable Development Initiatives is established are:
To launch different programmes on rights-based issues and advocacy for the realization of the rights and privileges of the women, children, dalits, tribals and other vulnerable segment of the society.
To channelise human potential for social construction and regeneration.
To promote holistic development among deprived rural and urban communities, orphans, person with disability, destitute children and youth, those in poor health, the aged and women and children in vulnerable situations through educational rehabitational, vocational. Social, cultural, charitable, environmental, scientific, technological, economic, natural resource management programmes or otherwise activities for any age group, without distinction of caste, creed or race.
To start, set up and run Children’s Home, Orphanage, Old Age Home, Shelter House for the women in difficult circumstances, rehabilitation centre for the trafficked and other vulnerable women.
To promote sustainable livelihoods and small scale industries units particularly through formation of Self Help Groups (SHGs), micro-credit and co-operative programmes and for such a purpose to register with appropriate State and National level appropriate authorities (such as Reserve Bank of India, NABARD, District Industrial Centers, Khadi Village Industries Commission etc.) for securing loans and grants and for establishing revolving funds.
To give loan assistance to the self-help groups on easy terms and conditions for different micro-economic enterprises for causing empowerment of the poor women and other vulnerable segment of the society.
To promote an inclusive, barrier-free, gender-sensitive and rights based society for persons with disability through prevention, early intervention, rehabilitation (educational, medical, vocational, therapeutic, economic, and social). Awareness, advocacy and self-help programmes and to form, or to take part in formation of and to become a member of organizations both national and international for the above purpose
To strengthen and uphold spiritual and moral values in the society, including fighting against drugs and drugs illicit trafficking, alcoholism, women and child abuse. To construct, equip, maintain or alter any schools, clinics, vocational centers, training centers, houses, office, building or works necessary or convenient for the purpose and objects of the Society.
To acquire by purchase lease, grant, gift, legacy, bequest, exchange or otherwise at such rates, terms and conditions as the Governing Body of the Society may decide upon moveable and immoveable properties of all description and to hold all any part of the moveable and immoveable properties of all description for the purpose of achieving the objects of the Society.
To accept and receive, hold, administer and make use of any gift, bequest, donation, subscription, loan grant-in aid or foundation in cash or kind or any other form of property from Government or non-government organizations both national and international and from individuals, whether subject to trust or not, for any other purpose and object of the Society.
To net work with grass root NGOs, Civic Societies and CBOs on different issue based programmes and initiate actions for the fruitful implementation of different government programmes including NREGP, SSGY etc.
To provide consultancy service to its affiliates on development and justice issues. In furtherance of its objects the Society may perform all acts as may seem expedient without thereby limiting the rights and powers of the Society to any extent or in any manner whatsoever

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