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Global Human Welfare Organization

Village Churat Qazigund, Kulgam,District Kulgam192221
Anantnag, Jammu & Kashmir
Contact: Advocate Ashiq Hussain ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9419006730
Website: Not Available


AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The Organization was given Global Human welfare organization with its headquarters at village Churat Qazigund. The areas of operation are whole India but Specially J&K state. Global Human welfare is a non-religious non-governmental organization & Non- political Organization. Global Human welfare organization is free from geographical boundaries only for the up liftment of society and development of humanity in every sphere of life particularly for orphans widows needy people and natural calamities’, snow storms, earthquake sufferers, epidemic floods and famine victimized oppressed depressed mentally tortured handicapped old aged destitute peasants and the education of non going school children, war against child labor ,early marriage system, to develop high status of women in society, war against corruption, to develop the ideas towards the rights of animals, love and affectionate of self service neighborhood, fight against the migration of developed families towards cities ,to create equally faculties of development in every part of habitation, to avoid making constructions in agricultural lands, to protect forests, to help fire victims, accidental and incidental victims, to check the fraudulent companies who loot the general public, to educate the general masses not to make huge expenders during marriage ceremo nies, to control over street begging, to safe migrant properties, to maintain cleanliness in society, to avoid smoking in public places, to watch discipline and work culture in Govt as well as in private offices just a civil spy system, to remain a responsible citizen,.

The NGO shall organize public meetings, seminars, conventions, conferences, pulse polio campaigns, blood donation camps, youth camps, anti polythene campaigns, Environmental awareness programmes, Awareness with regard to fundamental rights and Duties, and try to develop self determination and patriotism among society.

The Organization Shall work in Rescue operations, help the disaster management particularly in the times of heavy snow fall, rain fall, windstorm, floods ,avalanches, landslide and other rescue operations. The organization shall support and participate in Govt. programmes functions seminars, and shall organize and participate in national days as per calendar as per Govt. Gazette.

The organization shall educate the society for the development of industrial estate & to preserve natural water resources, try to avoid the loading passenger vehicles, expanding of roads and beautification of road sides by planting shadow trees, to develop intellectual atmosphere and friendship in the society by way of organizing the public meetings and seminars.

The Organizations shall assist the local administration to implement all the legislative acts and beneficial programmes passed from time to time.

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