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Society for Environmental & Rural Awakening (ERA)

Village Shamnagar (Thamba) Tehsil Khundian
Kangra, Himachal Pradesh
Contact: Dr. Arun Chandan ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09418010624


Society for Environmental & Rural Awakening (ERA) is an NGO working in Kangra valley of Himachal Pradesh with the following Vision, Mission.

VISION: An ever changing, expanding and evolving one… To bring about Sustainable Development through conservation of the ecology and the environment.

MISSION ERA envisions a future where the process of sustainable development is set in groove and where people live in harmony with nature respecting and protecting the environment for a better, brighter and healthy tomorrow.

ERA’s prime mission is that of bringing about sustainable development through ensuring sustainable health practices, upliftment of the rural communities with special attention given to women’s empowerment.

ERA is committed to working with the rural poor living in the most remote and backward villages in the Changar areas of District Kangra.

ERA is engaged in a process of continuous conscientization of the people towards their natural habitat and simultaneously engages in a process of introspection allowing itself to absorb the changes in the environment not compromising on the organizations non- negotiables.

The organization aims to facilitate the process of empowerment not just by paving the way to development but by allowing the people to take charge and experience ownership of their resources. Therefore, people are not mere beneficiaries in the projects and programmes but become active participants in the process of change.

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