NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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Santhi Medical Information Centre

Punnathur road,kottapadi
Thrissur, Kerala
0487 2556796
Contact: Mrs.Uma Preman ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09447268987


SANTHI MEDICAL INFORMATION CENTRE Santhi medical information centre was established in 1997 keeping in mind the common man’s need to information on medical facilities and options. It is now a fully fledged charitable trust serving people who require not only the information but also providing support through financial aid and sometimes by making facilities available. From the initial strength of a single staff Santhi has developed in to an institution with 60 staff and hundreds of voluntary staff and well wishers around the world.

The past…the notches and the future – the bench mark Some of the work we have done and continue to do ….

• Facilitated kidney transplants for 680 patients, 62 from the Middle East.

• Facilitated heart surgeries for 20500 patients 184 from the Middle East.

• Dialysis unit for those who cannot afford the treatment otherwise.185000 dialysis carried out in 12 years.

• Mobilized treatment fund for more than INR 80million from the central government and charitable institutions in India. These funds are utilized for the poor who find it difficult to afford it otherwise

• Provides mobile lab facilities for more than 100 persons daily. We also guide people on the facilities available to them in their area or nearby within their area and financial means through phone, letter or E-Mail.

• Publish medical directories, health magazine and introduced health card system in Kerala

• Conducted more than 108 free medical camps, helped and monitored the patients effectively

• Launched world’s first health website containing vital information like hospital facilities, departments, doctors and

• Diabetic & Hypertension prevention Awareness camps and Project for Early detection of kidney diseases (Karuthal mobile project). Conducted more than 500 camps

• Palamala and Attapadi Tribal Welfare project

• Organ donation (cadaver transplantation) awareness project

• Continues free dialysis for deserving

• Santhi Bhavanam –home for homeless

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