NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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It contains a wealth of information regarding NGOs, NGO management, finalcial and legal aspects.
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Anand, Gujarat
Contact: Chief Functionary ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09510393940



(1) To work for improvement of and overall improvement education and establishing of Play-schools, K.G., Montessori’s ,Day-care centers, Pre-Primary schools, Women’s colleges, Orphanages ,Women’s hostels ,P.T.C. ,Science as well as covering different areas commerce, arts and medical colleges. (2) To establish and run research centers, Nursing homes, Laboratories, Blood banks Women Health centre, Children welfare centers, Home for pregnant mothers (=Nursing home),hospitals, Dispensaries as well as Check-up camps Diagnostic camps for the sake of preventing diseases and maintain people’s health. (3) To help the poor and the needy students in overall education on all sorts of areas and help in different and essential areas to the poor students and those who achieve higher ranks distribute prizes for encouragement and who want to go overseas for higher education also helps them. (4) To help the poor as well as the needy students by: offering scholarships, free text-books, notebooks, uniforms and establish and manage hostels, students’ homes and boys’ hostels, too. (5) To Give training in computer and educational programs like, software, hardware, programming as well as internet (computer classes –trainings) for gaining appropriate knowledge and skills. (6) Try to develop women, handicapped, blind, tribals children development up-liftment of tribals and other people. (7)To do educational work and develop sports gadgets games and also do entertainment activities for mentally retarded children. (8) To arrange sports competitions and distribute prizes for encouragement of youth. (9)To do welfare activities through Gov. Public welfare projects. (10)During floods, rail accidents, cyclone, earthquakes, droughts, and epidemics to provide all sorts of facilities to affected people by this trust. (11) To do awareness camps on environment and also work against deforestation and do protraction a forestation (=tree plantation). (12) To work for windows, orphans and women for the sake of getting wages (basic earnings) and therefore arrange vocational and employable classes of painting, wall painting, photography, tailoring, knitting work patch work ,embroidery , fashion-designing, terracotta work (mud), shilp work, mahandi, zari work and dish-making :- artisans.

FUTURE PLANNING We going to start more free educational programms such as languages at professional institutes ,vocational institutes & women empowerment centres. We are going to do programms on conserving environment among children, youth and edults . We are going to start events about old -age literacy , illness & diseases awareness , communication programms , cleanness of slum area that improve their living status as well . To provide free education through schools using laptop and other modern gadgets

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