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Help the Humanity

Humanity House, Pawahgarh Road,City/District: Halol Zip/Pin: 389350
Dahod, Gujarat
Contact: Mr.Raja K ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available

Activities: Women/Gender,Education,Health/Nutrition,Livelihood,Aged,Welfare,Others


Activities: Empowering Poor Communities


"Help the Humanity Charitable Trust" is a non government. social organization,working to help Poor Communities through its programs in the field of Health, Education, Social Development,Gender Equality,Woman Empowerment and Livelihood. Through our programs, we promote the importance of health, human rights and humanitarian issues,fundamental needs, and the use of talents, contacts, and resources to bring practical solutions for the poor's. Apart of this "Help the Humanity" has a special support program to support poor widows and orphans, we support them by paying widow pension,vocational training for self employment etc . before forming this organization,We used to receive various request emails from allover the India. People were contacting us to help them on various issues specially for the Medical treatments, Widow Pension and Education.We thought that Together with local partners,People and resources we can build future of health, hope and humanity.When we started this Organization "We had nothing in our mind accept helping poor people by giving them financial assistance or to solve out their problems by using our contacts. we feel that we can fill the colors of happiness in the life of poor's, suffering with various issues.We have started the mission of "help the humanity" from a small township of Gujarat (India).We are committed to mobilize People to change their lives by developing a feeling of Positive Approach and Self Help.We have started working with People who have seen the worse in 2002 communal riots in Gujarat. Help the Humanity Team is a combination of Professionals and local People.This is first time when an organization working in partnership of local People.We think that together with local People, we can study deeply about the root causes of various issues.
Help the Humanity believes to work in Partnership. This Partnership can be done with the govt. as well as like minded social organization. Help the Humanity works in partnership with different organization in Uttar Pradesh, Delhi,Orissa and Madhya Pradesh. We have started this Mission of Humanity from a very small township of Gujarat (India) but we are committed to take this mission globally.We are hopeful that people from all over the globe will come out to support this mission of "Help the Humanity" .
The Mission of "Help the Humanity" is to promote the importance of health, human rights and humanitarian issues,fundamental needs, and the use of talents, contacts, and resources to bring practical solutions for the Poors.Through Its Various Programs,"Help the Humanity" works for Peace, Communal harmony, Social Development, Youth,Child and Woman Welfare,Social Justice and Empowerment,Education,Health and Self Employment etc.
'Help the Humanity" is committed to support the development initiatives and development process. Development process requires a bridge between the government and the Public.People must aware about their rights and responsibilities."Help the Humanity" aims to work in partnership with the Government as well as like minded organizations, supporting development initiatives.

"Help the Humanity" supports E- Governance system and aims to spread a positive message about E- Governance. The only necessity is to aware people and make them aware about this system.The E-Governance system will save time and money of both the Government and Public. "Help the Humanity" trained Paralegals, working in various small and medium villages."Help the Humanity" Legal Aid Center is connected with more then 50 paralegals working in different villages. The ultimate Purpose of Legal Aid Centers is to provide free legal aid and guidence to Poor People.

"Help the Humanity" aims to setup village level Legal Aid Centers and to trained more Pralegals to support Poor communities to deliver social justice. "Help the Humanity" works to bring public awareness about the values of Human rights.We are committed to aware people about the benefit and use of laws like Right to information, Human right issues, violence against women, child labour,dowry,cast discrimination etc


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