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Rural Socio Economic Development Trust

Malatipur (Bedhasundar)
Puri, Orissa
Contact: Dillip Khuntia ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 8420210627
Website: Not Available


VISION: “The Trust visualizes a society free from hunger, illiteracy, malnutrition, superstition and all sorts of discriminations based on caste, colour, sex, religion, region and other sectarian considerations, through promoting morality leadership in the society”.
MISSION: To empower the less privileged and marginalized, especially women to enable them to demand their just rights from the society.
THE PRIME OBJECTIVES OF THE TRUST ARE : 1. To work for the upliftment of the poor and marginalized, especially women for their all round development. 2. To empower the women through training and capacity-building to enable them to demand their due entitlement from the society. 3. To work for to reduce the gender bias against the women. 4. To work for good health of the people, especially reproductive and child health. 5. To ensure everybody has access to primary education. 6. To encourage the girl child to receive education without any hindrance from either the society or from the family. 7. To help the poor and the marginalized to access to a decent and sustainable livelihood option. 8. To establish, manage and run institutions of excellence for fulfilling the above objectives. 9. To undertake various socio-economic research on social development. Some of the other important objectives of the Trust are – 1. To work for the Natural Resources Management activities like proper management of land, water, energy, forest and environment so the development will be a sustainable activity. 2. To undertake relief measuring in aid to the distress people affected by natural disaster like flood famine ,fire and other calamities. 3. To provide relief and rehabilitation measures during epidemics and such disaster at any part of india. 4. To provide disaster risk management programmes for relief and rehabilitation of masses before and after natural calamities. 5. To undertake programmes for the development of Indian Culture. 6. To undertake different programmes for the development and management of tourism. 7. To help farmers, particularly small and marginal farmers, rural artisans, agricultural labourers by providing them integrated services and facilities for increasing employment, productivity, and income by taking suitable activities like distributing or procuring agricultural inputs and micro irrigation facilities. 8. To success and encourage the farmers to adopt improvemental agriculture schemes by organizing KRUSHAK MELA RURAL FAIRS and agricultural exhibition. 9. To work in the field of consumerism and consumer protection. 10. To establish various projects by contract through affiliation and under taking programmes of central social welfare board, DANIDA, PADY, CADA, State Govt. and National and international bodies including foreign Funding agencies,D.I.C.etc. 11. To establish an inter-disciplinary body for giving effect to available technical knowledge on water supply, farm mechanization, sanitation, low-cost housing, production of biogas, energy utilization development, fisheries, animal husbandry and such other allied activities for rural development. 12. To provide assistance to tribal and rural poor and work for the welfare of the disadvantaged sections of the society like the scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, backward castes, minorities and women. 13. To carry on development of activities in social, economic, educational, health, agricultural and other allied fields for the welfare of the weaker section of the society in general and physically challenged persons in particular. 14. To take care of the disadvantaged sections of the society like the street children, orphans, destitute, senior citizens, physically challenged people, child labour, sex-workers, bonded labourers etc. 15. To take up income generation programmes for the rural, tribal or/and urban poor. 16. To promote self-help groups (SHGs) and undertake micro-finance activities. 17. To provide credit facilities to women SHGs and standard SHGs to start any type of venture for growth of income for their self reliant. 18. To work and facilitation of child adoption for the orphans. 19. To work for the empowerment of the investors through investors education programme/ investors awareness programme and capacity building training including advising on sound investment plans. 20. To organize programmes for prevention of drug abuse and alcoholism. 21. To try to alleviate poverty and try to bring a qualitative change in the life of tribal, urban and rural poor. 22. To promote education in all its aspects including establishing, running and managing educational institutions and associated establishments like libraries, laboratories, residential schools, hostels etc. 23. To promote, establish and manage institutions of higher learning like public school, technical educational institutions etc. 24. To provide vocational training in any field or trade that may be deemed necessary to such section of the society. 25. To establish and manage production and training units for the development of the target groups. 26. To render assistance as may be necessary to persons engaged in art, craft and rural industries and to undertake research works for their development. 27. To maintain a technical guidance cell to offer technical know-how and information relating to art, craft, rural industries, and khadi & village industries. 28. To work for the control of pollution and execute programmes for the protection and growth of environment through such measures as extensive plantation, management of Natural Resources or any other innovative methods. 29. To imbibe the sense of scientific temper in the younger people by restoring to innovative activities in schools and/or colleges. 30. To promote the spirit of sportsmanship and fellow-feelingness by promoting sports and cultural activities. 31. To act as a mother NGO through networking to coordinate with like minded voluntary organizations for better realization of its aims and objectives. 32. To conduct seminar, workshops and symposiums etc., for Government, corporates, civil society and public to sensitize them to remain highly focused towards protection of ecology and socio-cultural heritage. 33. To propagate the idea of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and assist in execution. 34. To create learning methods for CSR handling personnel of different corporates for high degree of effective execution. 35. To study and report the impact of CSR at various levels. 36. To involve civil society in the awareness programmes to encourage them to participate in developmental activities. 37. To give clarion call to general public at various levels to remain vigilant about their rights and responsibilities and to insist on transparency in every activity involving or concerning them.

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