NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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Vidya Vikasa Trust (Regd.,)

Shankaranaryana Nilaya", #225(B) (20) 37 th Cross
Bangalore, Karnataka
Contact: M.R.S.MURTHY ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: +919886705483


Vidya Vikasa Trust is basically striving hard for the cause of the education of the economically weaker sections. With Non-commercialization policy Trust is not only conducting coaching classes poor but also conducting Hindi Classes for employment, Study Circle, Eye Camps, Health camps Trust has received messages of best wishes & appreciations from the Previous President Smt.Prathiba Patil, Previous Prime Minister Dr.Manmohan Singh & Governor of Karnataka, Chief Minister & Cabinet colleagues. Trust formulated a Project under the Title "Literacy Mission for Blind & awareness of Educational Support". Here the Trust takes care of the Blind Students’ education by providing Scholarships / financial Assistance, Tape Recorders, Braille watches, Braille literature in the form of cassettes, computers, and other social welfare activities for the visually impaired. The Trust has started to award SCHOLARSHIPS to BLIND STUDENTS from 2004 & in the past 11 years the Trust has awarded 475 visually impaired Students of both Rural Urban areas. Donor Gets Income Tax Exemption U/S. 80(G) Of I.T., Act 1961. We are now appealing & requesting tp all sections of the society,to join our hands through your valuable & generous contribution to Blind students Scholarship Fund & help the blind students to pursue their further studies.

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