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Khammam, Andhra & Telangana
Contact: SRINIVASA NAIDU B ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9848616234


Hope for the Harvest Organization is a registered Non Profit, Service Organization working for the care and welfare of orphans, children with HIV/AIDS, aged, widows, and desolated needy and disadvantaged women. The Organization serves the poor in slums and rural areas with a goal to empower to make them self reliant, our organization was founded by a social minded Indian by name B. Srinivasa Naidu, who has a passion to serve the poor and the needy. It is a group of social concerned activists and academics with a vision of achieving total liberation and comprehensive empowerment of people by adopting multigrain strategies. It is committed to develop human potential and the community in the areas of social, economic, cultural and self-governance, addressing the livelihood issues and the rights of people, the target community adhivasis, women, and children disabled persons and the other unorganized. It is working at various districts of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana States with the help of our network group of APRNGOs Association. For the empowerment of Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes and other Back Ward classes. Source of Fund: Our organization raises funds from the members of our Organization, well-wishers and also raise community donation through fund raising activities and special events because our organization having 80G of I.T act. Similarly our organization takes grant support from State, Central, and abroad support. Target Groups: Our organization serves to the needy human beings without caste, creed, color, race, religion or any distinction. The target groups is all rural, urban, and semi urban people. Our honest services make us unique. Our Vision Our vision is to provide good education, needy training, good morals, facts, faith, ideals, and values and applying Great National Leaders Histories, Holy Books knowledge in day to day life situations, developing good insight and acquiring Lord like characteristics through our services among the people. Our Mission Eradication of poverty, Remove Corruption, improvement quality of life, and maintain good balance on Gender Equality and social justice in all areas in India. Our Activities since 2004 • Donations to the heart and disabled patients. • Free medical camps, Health awareness camps. • Conducting meetings, seminars, etc • Youth empowerment programs. • Women right awareness camp. • Provide food, education, shelter to the poor and needy. • Vocational training to youth and the needy on market demand courses. • Financial helping in Construction of schools, prayer halls, homes etc • Adult education camps • Disable welfare programs • Environment, agriculture, irrigation awareness camps • Aids awareness programs • Formation of self-help groups • Distribution of saris to the poor • Distribution of gifts to the family planning women • Support to old age people • Games and Sports encouragement • National Festival Day celebrations • Children, old aged, widows, welfare programme. • Moral help to paralysis patients and other diseased • HIV/AIDS, Pulse Polio, etc awareness camps • S.H.Gs training programs • Water, Sanitation, and Health awareness camps • Ground water and Surface water management • Family planning awareness camps • Youth personality development programs • Leprosy awareness programs • Lift irrigation, and agricultural training programs • Pulse polio awareness camps • Donations to the poor students like books, blankets, plates, glasses and dresses • Surveys, Capacity Building programs, Work Shops Present Activities: • Skill training programs for women and youth development • Supplementary Education Programme • Socio-Economic Development • Education, Environment, Community Development • Providing Nutrition food to school age children • Improve the lives of Adolescent girls • SHG Training Programme • Formation of Farmer Clubs, and provide needy Training • Awareness Camps on Health/HIV/AIDs, PNDT Act, Pulse Polio, Vaccines, Education, Environment, NREGS, Water, Sanitation, Health, Bad faiths, Anti corruption • Awareness and Trainings on watershed Management • Provide support and deliver prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) • Book Promotion activities. • Capacity Building Work Shops for Volunteers/NGOs/CBO/Individuals/Officers • National Events Celebrations • Awareness on Right to Information Act, Right to Education Act, PNDT & PC Act, Domestic Violence Act, Social Justice, Human Rights, among the people • Entrepreneurship Development Programs • Surveys, Survey based Trainings, etc • Marriage Bureau service activities • ICT Awareness/trainings Andhra Pradesh and Telangana States wide Net Work: “Andhra Pradesh Recognized Non Government Organizations Association”(Regd.) 1. APRNGOs Association is a Group formed by Recognized Non Government Organizations in Andhra Pradesh, which are working at all districts on various sectors (Education, Health, Social Sector, Rural Energy, Agriculture, e-governance) in Andhra Pradesh State. 2. It is a group of social concerned activists, experienced team of community development specialists, planning experts, technical, various domain experts, and academics with a vision of achieving total liberation and comprehensive empowerment of people by adopting multigrain strategies. 3. It is committed to develop human potential and the community in the areas of Social, Economic, cultural, Health, Educational, Agriculture, E-Governance, Rural Energy, and self-governance, etc., 4. It serves the poor in slums and rural areas with a goal to empower through provision of information,products and services in select domains related to socio-economic development and make them self reliant. 5. B. Srinivasa Naidu is Founder and President with passion to serve the poor and the needy.
HHO NGOs –Associated at State level in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana States TELANGANA STATE (10 DISTRICTS) 1.KHAMMAM DIST B. Srinivasa Naidu, Chief Functionary, Hope for the Harvest Organization, D.No. 11-100, Beside BSNL Bhavan, Sathupally – 507303, Khammam Dist, Telangana State 2. NALGONDA DIST G. Mercy, President, A Handicapped Service Foundation, D.No. 5-5-138/12, Mustafa Nagar, Khammam Dist,Telangana State 3.MEDAK DIST Y. Lalu, Secretary, Geethanjali Academy of Education, D.No. 4-303, S.T colony, Mudigonda villagae and Mandal, Khammam Dist, Pin: 507158, Telangana State 4. HYDERABAD B. Srinivasa Naidu, Chief Functionary, Hope for the Harvest Organization, D.No. 11-100, Beside BSNL Bhavan, Sathupally – 507303, Khammam Dist, Telangana State M. Yakantham, Secretary, Marka Society for Integrated Development in Rural Areas, D.No. 16-88/1/B, Thorrur Village and Mandal, Warangal Dist. Telangana State 5.RANGAREDDY E. Karunakar, Secretary, People Association for Rural Development, AP Housing Board colony, Kothagudem, Khammam Dist, Telangana State D. Sunderrao, Director, Janashikshana Sansthan, H.No. 5-2-248/B/3, Opp Lane Bomma Jaggaiah Old rice mill, Mustafa Nagar, Khammam – 507 001 Telangana State 6. WARANGAL DIST Sd. Zameel, President, Global Poor people Rural Development Youth Association, D.No. 212/2, Near Railway Hospital, Dornakal Junction,Warangal Dist. Telangana State B. Sujatha, President, Orugallu Mahila Mandali, D.No. 20-1-70, Mudiraj Street, 4 th Warangal (West), Warangal Dist, 506008 Telangana State 7.KARIMNAGAR DIST HFID Mr Prabhakarreddy 8. ADILABAD DIST R. Surendar, Director, Social Action for Integrated Development Services, H.No. 3-2-348/1, Near Saibaba Mandir, Adilabad -504 001, Telangana State 9.NIZAMABAD DIST M.Shyamala, Director, Jana Shikshana Sansthan, H.No. 4-5-54, Deshmukh Compound, Vidyanagar, Adilabad – 504 001 Telangana State Sneha Society for Rural Reconstruction Mr S.SIDDAIAH 10.MAHABOOBNAGAR DIST N. Subba Reddy, Chief Functionary, Jana Shikshana Sansthan, Plot No. 8 &9, Ward No. 8-6, Krishna Temple Lane, Padmavathi colony, Mahabubnagar – 500 902, Telangana State P.Shyam (Contact Person), Labour Colony Samaikya Youth Association, O/O Help Organization, 54 SRT, Industrial Colony, Warangal District Telangana State ANDHRA PRADESH STATE (13 DISTRICTS) 1.KRISHNA DIST K. Anjana Devi, Secretary, Shanthi Mahila Mandali, Nandigama Village and Mandal, Near Kamma Hostel, C/o T.S.R Prasad, Krishna Dist, Pin: 521185 2. PRAKASHAM DIST B.Dasu, Director STAR Voluntary Organization, Pondugula post, Mylavaram Mandal, Krishna Dist 3.WEST GODAVARI B. Srinivasa Naidu, Chief Functionary, Hope for the Harvest Organization, D.No. 11-100, Beside BSNL Bhavan, Sathupally – 507303, Khammam Dist, Telangana State 4.EAST GODAVARI B. Srinivasa Naidu, Chief Functionary, Hope for the Harvest Organization, D.No. 11-100, Beside BSNL Bhavan, Sathupally – 507303, Khammam Dist, Telangana State P.S.S.S Gandhi Light & Enlight Association, Jangareddygudem village and mandal, West Godavari Dist 5. GUNTUR DIST E.Ananthnag, Director S.E.N.M.D.S Pidugurall village & Mandal,Guntur Dist 6. NELLORE DIST M.Ravinder Reddy Margadarsi Seva Samithi, Gudur village and Mandal, 7. VISHKHAPATNAM DIST D.VeerabhadraRao, Secretary, Sanga Mithra Develoment Association (SAMIDA), Pedashaikalipalem village, Kokkirapally post, Yallamanchili Mandal, Visakhapatanam Dist, Pin: 531055 8. VIZIANAGARAM DIST ARTS Director -N.SanyasiRao, Nirmalam - 137; Govindanagar; Srikakulam - 532001; A.P. Phone:( Work): 08941-259046; Mobile: 9440630945 Email: K. Srinivas, Executive Secretary, Social Endeavour for Village Advancement (SEVA), Cheekikada – 531028, Visakhapatnam District, 9.SRIKAKULAM DIST K. Manmadharao, Executive Secretary, Chaitanya Bharathi, Plot No.70, C.B. Colony, P.O. Cantonment, Vizianagaram-535003, Vizianagaram Dist. 10. ANANTHAPUR DIST SAID Mrs PushpaLatha 11. KADAPA 12. CHITTOOR 13. KURNOOL (SEARCHING FOR GOOD TEAM) Harvest Helpline Center: Our organization started Harvest Help Line Center to solve the following problems: 1. Our org informs the various courses and locations and fee details to go to further education. 2. Our Org informs the vacancies in various private, public, corporate sectors for employment. 3. Our Org informs the various Govt. policies among the public and receive eligible people. 4. Our Org prepares files and presentations on behalf of the public to remove the corruption. 5. Our organization stands honest people and officer’s side to protect their rights. 6. Our Organization provides needy training in various acts to the people for getting more knowledge. 7. Our organization provides needy training to women and youth to stand on their own legs. 8. Our organization supports women groups who are getting problems of Domestic Violence, and other problems. 9. Our Organization informs among the public about bank policies, subsidy policies, personal loans, crop loans, Bank interests, private sector policies, etc for the development of the public. 10. Our Organization creates awareness among the public about various State and Central Govt. programs. 11. Our organization protects Government lands from encroachers. Yours truly, (B. SRINIVASA NAIDU), CHIEF FUNCTIONARY & SECRETARY, Hope for the Harvest Organization, D.No11-100, Beside BSNL Bhavan, Sathupally – 507303, Khammam Dist, Andhra Pradesh, India. Cell: +919848616234 +918341260434 Phone: +91 -8761 283234 E-mail:

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