NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
It contains a wealth of information regarding NGOs, NGO management, finalcial and legal aspects.
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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
It contains a wealth of information regarding NGOs, NGO management, finalcial and legal database, ngo funding agencies, ngo india, indian ngos, international ngos, ngo training institutes
, financial management related ngos, legal aspects related ngos, fcra related ngo, income tax related ngo, registration related ngo,
provident fund related ngo, grants management in ngo, hr related ngo, developement jobs in ngo, consultants in ngo, admin related ngo,
vehicle management in ngo, travel related ngo, contracts in ngo, ngo news


9.A. Ramalinganar 10th Street. Tiruvannamalai. 60661, Tamil Nadu. India
Tamil Nadu
04175 225545
Contact: A.THIRUGNANASAMBANDAMOORTHY ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09443308444
Website: &

ï‚· Climate change will be controlled
ï‚· Increase in average rainfall and proper monsoon
ï‚· Availability of potable drinking water throughout the year
ï‚· Increase in water resource means increase in agricultural products
ï‚· Natural food-grains like rice, millets etc. freely available
ï‚· Control of Air and Soil Pollution and free air and nutritious food gives
healthy life
ï‚· Increase in socio-economic status of the general public
ï‚· Proper drainage and water saving methods to avoid chronic diseases
ï‚· Children and sick patients and old age persons lead a normal healthy life
ï‚· Water scarcity is prevented
ï‚· Large number of trees means lot of rainfall, shade and purified air
ï‚· Trees once planted and grown, maintenance is not necessary
ï‚· Additional income source for farmers and womenfolk
ï‚· Panchayats meet their own needs fro income from trees
VI. Partnerships

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