NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
It contains a wealth of information regarding NGOs, NGO management, finalcial and legal aspects.
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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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296, Cooperative Colony
Bokaro, Jharkhand
06542 - 255133,94311
Contact: Chief Functionary ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available
Website: Not Available

Activities: Education,Training,Welfare,Others

To improve the occupational skills and technical knowledge of the neo-literates and the trainees and to raise their efficiency and increase productive ability;

To provide academic and technical resource support to zilla saksharata samities in taking up vocational and skill development programmes for neo-literates in both urban and rural areas;

To serve as nodal continuing education centres and to coordinate, supervise and monitor 10-15 continuing education centres/nodal centres;

To organise training and orientation courses for key resource persons, master trainers on designing, development and implementation of skill development programmes under the scheme of Continuing Education for neo-literates;

To organise equivalency programmes through Open Learning Systems.

To widen the range of knowledge and understanding of the social, economic and political systems in order to create a critical awareness about the environment;

To promote national goals such as secularism, national integration, population and development, women’s equality, protection and conservation of environment etc.


Identify appropriate target areas and target groups by developing socio-economic profiles.

Identify and procure the list of neo-literates from Zilla Saksharata Samitis and ensure that atleast 25% of the clientele of JSS is neo-literatres.

Organise training programmes for key resource persons, master trainers and trainees in vocational courses and for neo-literates.

Identify and ascertain a variety of educational and vocational needs of different categories of clientele groups.

 Plan and organise polyvalent educational programmes and other activities including literacy, post-literacy, and continuing education to suit the learning requirements of target groups.

Cooperate with educational, cultural and other social organisations involved in organising programmes and activities to meet educational, vocational, social, cultural and welfare needs of target groups.

Act as a co-ordinator, facilitator and catalytic agent by developing a system of net-working in collaboration with other educational and technical institutions, development departments, welfare agencies, employers and workers’ organisations, voluntary agencies, economic enterprises etc.

 Undertake training and orientation of resource persons/instructors involved in planning and implementation of various programmes.

Organise equivalency programmes through Open Learning Systems.

Provide consultancy services to agencies and enterprises planning to organise programmes for training and education of similar target groups.

Organise educational and vocational training programmes with special concern for deprived sections, women/girls and unemployed youth to provide new skills, refine/sharpen/upgrade the existing skills leading to employment, self employment and income generation.

Promote organisation of forums such as co-operative societies, mandals and associations of women, youth and workers with a view to undertake collective activity for socio-economic development.

 Provide follow-up services to beneficiaries of the JSS.

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