NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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Gramya The Institute of Rural Development

C/o Sh Ranveer Singh,Mohalla - Hatnala,Near Luxmi Narayan Temple, Distt Chamba (HP) 176310
Chamba, Himachal Pradesh
Contact: Narinder Singh Sandhu ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9816631006



INTRODUCTION: Founded in 2006, Gramya is a environmental conservation organization in district Chamba of Himachal Pradesh dedicated to sustainable development, promotion of rural & eco-tourism and health related programs. Gramya currently has members from academics, consultants, conservation professionals, college students, government sector, NGO’s, the media, and travelers. As a non- governmental organization, Gramya put its unique efforts to provide guidelines and standards, Awareness programmes, technical assistance, research survey to foster sound eco tourism and rural development.
The project proposal aims to meets the following objectives
1. Education, health related awareness i.e. AIDS awareness especially among youth.
2. Sanitation and public health in rural areas,
3. Promotion of sports and games in rural areas,
4. Supplementing development programmes of the government,
5. Imparting vocational training coaching like PAT.
6. Setting up of Skill development programmes and Personality Enrichment Programmes.
7. Disaster Management Activities,
8. Adolescent Education Programme,
9. Environmental awareness and survey work pertaining to socio –economic profile of the villages.

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