NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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78 Eswaran Koil Street
Erode, Tamil Nadu
Contact: POULLOT Dominique ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: +33645479070

Activities: Education
Vellai Thamarai is the Tamil word for white lotus, a symbol of life and knowledge blossoming.

The Vellai Thamarai Association* has built near Puducherry a school that accommodates free of charge, children from an under-privileged community. A global, high quality education is provided: the aim is to prepare children to build their own future so that they will be durably integrated in 21st century India. And to bring along their village community in this movement.

Every year, the school opens a new classroom of 20 students.
A 6th grade class opened for the 2014/2015 school year, for a total of 200 students in attendance.

* a non-profit organization under the 1901 Law

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