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Kasturba Gandhi Institute For Development

Kwakeithel Moirang Purel Leikai
Imphal West, Manipur
Contact: Dr.O.Sareeta Devi ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 91- 9436274808
Website: 0

Activities: Women/Gender

Manipur is a small and underdeveloped state of the North East India bordering Myanmar on the East. Of the total area 22,327 nine tenth is hilly where various ethnic hill tribes are settled. The population of the state according to the 2001 census is 22,61,328 of which about 50% are women.

Profile of the Institute:-
Kasturba-Gandhi Institute for Development, (KGID), Manipur is a voluntary organization registered under Manipur Societies Registration Act, 1989 bearing registration No. 323/M/SR/2008 strictly adhered to popular Gandhian perception of peaceful co-existence, tolerance and human survival. It came into being in Manipur under the patronage of the Director, Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti (GSDS) New Delhi on the 31st October 2007, with a holistic vision to promote literacy, social, cultural and economic development programmes for the weaker section of the society particularly for the women and children living in the rural areas of Manipur. The management of the Institute is directly controlled by the Managing Committee consisting of 7 (Seven) members as prescribed by the constitution of the Institute. At present KGID is in the formative stage and therefore more concerned with the awareness programmes on the role of the women, and children in the rural development and Panchayati Raj initiated by Gandhiji. Our concerted efforts are to translate the dreams of the Mahatma into realities instead of blindly idolizing the great apostle of peace.
The tireless volunteers of the Institute are resolute and dedicated to the cause of public services and it will further proceed forwards to keep the Gandhian deal ‘Service to Poor’. Here we may recall Gandhiji who said- to a starving person, God will appear in the form of bread alone.
Members of this category are admitted after taking oath that He/She believes in Gandhian Principle of Tolerance, Truth and Non-Violence and that he/she is ready to contribute selflessly to the cause of humanities.

As Enshrined in the List of Objective:
The KGID is giving stress to women and children programmes in rural and hill areas. The KGID programmes are designed in keeping with view to infuse sense of leadership among our children and also to educate the womenfolk in rural area who are either mostly illiterate or having no sense of the women empowerment which is rather essential in a place like ours where so many peace loving peoples are living without the legitimate right of living peaceful.

• To adhere to Gandhian Principles of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj for the benefit of the people particularly the women and children.
• To render service to the people and expedite different programmes and projects to promote the development of socio-economic and cultural status of the people and opening of Centres for the welfare of aged persons socially deprived women and children who is living under indigent circumstances.
• To organize seminar, conference and mass awareness media campaign to make the organisational action plan more effective and resourceful.
• To raise fund and draw Financial Assistance from possible resources in connection with public welfare schemes and programme in the state.
• To do any such other activities from time to time incidental and conducive to attained the objectives.


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