H.NO 13-4-152/2,CHARLA ROAD,BHADRACHALAM-507111,M:9397847087
Khammam, Andhra & Telangana
Contact: Y.GUILBERT ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available
E-mail: gill.999@rediffmail.com,cwards2000@yahoo.com
Website: www.voiceofap.org
ctivities: Rural development, HEALTH,EDUCATION ETC
Aim/Objective/Mission: of the Organization: Carmel Women’s & Rural Development Society shortly know as CWARDS is registered Non – Profit making non – political NGO working for the development and welfare of down trodden communities focused on women children and oppressed of the society of the poorest of the poor CWARDS is under taking integrated community based development activities towards upliftment of Rural masses and Environment. The society is registered under societies registration act 1 of 1350 fasili at Telangana Region Andhra Pradesh in the year 2000. Mission: CWARDS focuses on poor and oppressive especially for children, women and down trodden people in difficult situation to increase their capabilities and skills to lead a better life CWARDS has a special view on participatory development of environmental, HIV/AIDS, awareness Non – conventional energy source and training and book keeping (Self help groups) and exposure visit to women group members and women group ledgers and formed club members. Vision: The Society visualizes as follows. 1. The Children from 5 to 14age group receive health nutrition and hygienic practices. 2. Children in the age group from 9 to 14 years receive education instead of working. 3. Women recognize their strength with collective efforts by formation of SHGs and improve their strengths fulfill their families basic needs, amenities. 4. To improve the ecological balances by protecting environmental concern in forest degradation and pollution control through tree plantation and to improve grounds water levels through soil and moisture conservations and resource management. 5. To bring social awareness among the groups under the exploitation and binding to the ritual and costumes by organizing camps cultural folks street plays skits and documentary films etc., Programme area: CWARDS area of operation is bring existed at Burgampahad, Bhadrachalam, Dummugudem,. Charla, Venkatapuram and Wazedu Mandals of Khammam Dist. Of Andhra Pradesh. Present activities and existing Programmes of CWARDS: CWARDS is doing the following activities. School sanitation and hygienic education programme (SSHEP) CWARDS has intervened in school sanitation and hygiene education with the suppory of local donors under this programme. The CWARDS is done activities in 10 primary schools in Burgampahad, Bhadrachalam, Charla and Venkatapuram Mandals. Under this programme the programme has been devided in two parts i.e., maintenance of sanitation in the schools and community. The following are the activities. Schools: 1 Formation of Schools cabinet committees with students 2 Create awareness among the children on health personal hygiene surrounding hygiene and its practice. 3 Awareness on sanitation by using toilets 4 Promoting clean environment by tree plantation campus cleaning. 5 Conducting school health camps to the children to be health 6 Making pupil aware on health education and nutrition practices. Community: 1 Conducting continuing health camps 2 Making people aware an using toilets promoting individual toilets 3 Motivating people on village sanitation and tree plantation for the village to be clean and green. 4 Developing the rapport among school children to community towards positive change in environment. Child Labour elimination: CWARDS is working for the elimination of child labour in the agency area under this programme. The working children are enrolled in each school. The parents and community are motivating by regular interaction and door to door visits for regular of the children to the school. SHG Groups: CWARDS is doing follow – up the SHG groups for maintenance of their record minutes and management systems, the groups are functioning under democratic norms with elected representatives as their committee to deal day to day transaction of the group CWARDS is working with (10) groups. CWARDS is making effort to arrange / matching support through banks to their saving to under take income – generation activity for their self sustainability and economic independence. Environment and natural resource management programme: CWARDS is doing environment and natural resource management programme with participation of VSS ( Vana Samrakshana Samithies) in the following activities. 1. Forest protection 2. Tree plantation 3. Regular review meetings 4. Campaign on G.O. No. 13 (APCFM concept) 5. Formation to local samakya 6. Lobbying on R & R policy 7. Health Camp for tribes with the help of VSS 8. Trainings / orientation provided by the organization. Social Awareness camps: CWARDS is conducting social awareness camps to bring awareness among the oppressed and down trodden by the exploitation on various reasons of the society and bring awareness on utilization of government schemes towards improve their earrings. The following items are covering in the camps. Groups discussion on issues and problems management system cast discriminations. Gender discrimination importance of literacy and fundamental rights of the citizen etc. Non Conventional energy source: CWARDS is doing with support of rural energy technical (KVIC) awareness and installation of Bio – Gas units and smokeless chullas and utilization of solar energy systems in the rural masses. HIV / AIDS awareness camps: CWARDS is conducting HIV / AIDS awareness camps through KHALA JATHA (Songs & Drama) Sandya’s of agency area of Bhadrachalam and Palvancha revenue areas. Especially in Bhadrachalam our organization is conducting counseling and condom distribution and simultaneously birth control pills distribution with free of cost in Bhadradri ustsav 2002 – 2003, Godavari puskaras of 2003 our organization organized awareness stalls of HIV / AIDS through counseling centres. Human Resource development in CWARDS: (6) we qualified and committed full time staff and (8) part time staff are working with the organization towards achievement of the goal a part from the existed staff (8) as a volunteer are rendering their services. The board of directors of CWARDS are well qualified and having expertise in the field of literature, communications theater and folk arts computer technology and documentation. They are extending their co – operation support and valuable suggestions time to time in planning follow – up monitoring for successful implementation of the programmes. CWARDS is doing activities with the help and support by contributions, donations from the member and like minded those who like to o the service for the poor and generosity mind. Some programmes are implementing with the support of government departments. CWARDS is doing efforts its level best and had many plans to up lift the rural masses of the needy to join in the main stream of the society with socioeconomic development and to improve the strength with bargaining abilities. FURTHER DETIALS CONTACT MR.Y.GUILBERT PRESIDENT CWARDS NGO H.NO. 13-4-152/2,CHARLA ROAD,BHADRACHALAM-507111,KHAMMAM DIST ANDHRAPRADESH INDIA MOBILE: 9397847087 EMAIL: gill.999@rediffmail.com cwards2000@yahoo.com