NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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Murshidabad Adibashi Gramin Janakalyan Samity (MAGJS)

Vill+Post: Shaikhpara, P.S.: Raninagar, Block: Raninagar-II,742308, M:09830524780
Murshidabad, West Bengal
Contact: Jahangir Fakir ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available

Activities: Education,Others

Activities: Economic, Social and Education development 
Aim/Objective/Mission: Objective : • Promotion of literacy among the illiterate and ignorant with a prime focus on the women, children and tribal people. • Empowerment of the poor women, tribal people and other vulnerable and other marginalized groups through micro-credit. • Alleviation of poverty through sustainable and integrated development. • Realisation of the rights of the children and their integrated development through community based approach. • Sensitisation of both men and women on gender issues. • Realisation of the rights and entitlements of the women, tribals and other marginalized groups. • Elimination of child labour. • Realisation of the rights and entitlements of the physically-challenged persons and their rehabilitation through community based approach. • Comprehensive rural development. • Sustainable health through active people’s participation. • Reproductive and child health program. • Promotion of Environment and Ecology through community participation. MISSION : Murshidabad Adibashi Gramin Janakalyan Samity (MAGJS) is dedicated towards eliminating poverty and its resultant ill-effects through community-oriented initiatives. MAGJS believes in developing sustainable micro-level programs in areas such as health, education, environment and income generation initiatives that benefit women, adibashis (SC/ST) and other vulnerable sections. VISION : MAGJS believes in holistic development of the individual, family and the community through equity and empowerment of the marginal and the economically under-privileged. With a broad mandate, to reach the disadvantaged, MAGJS is committed to develop, facilitate and implement programs designed towards socio-economic upliftment and sustainability.

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