NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Organisation for Integrated Development

At: Bira Jagannathpur Sasan,761041,M:9437514369
Ganjam, Orissa
Contact: Sisir Kumar Satapathy ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available
Website: Not Available

Activities: Health/Nutrition,Others

Activities: For health clinics, maternity homes, hospitals, etc. Homes for the old people, Homes for the destitu 
Aim/Objective/Mission: a. To promote integrated development of the people through systematic, time-bound and result-oriented programmes with specific aims and plans and to help people, irrespective of caste, creed, community, religion and sex, by promoting education, health & legal awareness and to improve the socio-economic conditions to make the people self-reliant. b. To educate the people to be aware of their problems and solve those with the available resources through their organised and collective action and to enhance their self-esteem, knowledge and attitude to attain sustainable development. c. To promote savings habit and cooperation among the people and to promote small savings schemes for women to be managed by women by facilitating formation of SHGs. d. To establish and maintain health clinics, maternity homes, hospitals, etc. to provide healthcare to all and to take up any other related activity viz. camps for immunization, blood donation, health check up, eye operation etc. and to provide all sorts of health services with special attention to women’s reproductive health, infant care and child survival. e. To organise programmes to create awareness of child care, family health, family planning, hygiene, sanitation, antenatal care and nutrition education etc. for the benefit of the community, especially for women, expectant / lactating mothers & children and to undertake training programmes for community health workers to enhance their effectiveness. f. To establish and maintain Homes for the old people, Homes for the destitute women, Orphanages and Drug De-addiction centres etc. and to take up any activity relating to the above for the benefit/ betterment of old persons, destitutes, women, orphans, Drug addicts etc. g. To provide intensive trainings in the selected vocations to needy persons, especially women, to enable them find employment or take to self-employment and to undertake programmes for effectively utilizing the resources available in the rural area for their development. h. To rehabilitate the destitute, helpless and disbanded women and their dependent children and orphans by providing vocational training and education and to create or facilitate opportunities for employment / self-employment for them and to provide legal help, if considered necessary. i. To provide education facilities to all, especially the deprived sections of the society, by establishment and management of Schools, Colleges/ Institutes in various disciplines viz. Humanities, Vocational, Technical, Professional like Engineering, Management, Medical College in any or all the recognised systems, Pharmacy & Nursing Colleges/Institutes, etc. j. To undertake various programmes for rural development such as drinking water supply, sanitation, low-cost housing, use of non-conventional energy, bio-gas, smokeless chullahs, various anti-poverty programmes, construction of village roads etc. k. To promote agriculture, horticulture, floriculture etc. and other allied agriculture activities such as animal husbandry, pisciculture, poultry, dairy, goatery, sericulture, mushroom cultivation, etc. The Society shall also promote and educate people about organic farming, mechanised farming and other modern techniques/ methods of farming to increase farm income / productivity level and standard of living of the people l. To promote handicrafts, handlooms, cottage/tiny/ small scale industries and other income generation activities and to impart training to people, especially the artisans, in these sectors/ activities to improve their skill, production process and quality of the produce to increase their income and standard of living and to assist them in setting up of Small Scale Industries and marketing the produce. m. To undertake rehabilitation of child labourers, bonded labourers, mentally retarded & differently abled children. n. To undertake various development activities pertaining to women such as gender equality, legal awareness-counselling & assistance, women’s empowerment by imparting education, training and up-grading their economic standard of living and to involve women groups in planning, monitoring, execution, implementation of different projects. o. To undertake, also in collaboration with others, the promotion of various developmental programmes to educate the youth, especially the women, on family welfare, population control measures, small family norms and various population control measures including popularization of various schemes of Union and State Government by involving/ educating people in this regard. p. To work for the popularization of various health schemes of Union and State Government and educating people about HIV/AIDS - its avoidance/ control, blindness control, eradication of Malaria, Polio, Tuberculosis, Leprosy & other diseases and to take steps for mitigation for these diseases. q. To impart / promote education in Information Technology and other modern education in technological field to youth and women in rural areas to enable them find employment. r. To undertake/ promote/ fund the research / publication activities on any topic/subject/issue pertaining to community development, rural economy, rural development, social evils, socio-economic conditions of the people, women and children in rural areas and any other topic(s) on social / historical / cultural/ economic/legal field etc. s. To encourage children to attend schools and to educate their parents regarding benefits of education to check dropouts from schools. To undertake non-formal education activities like establishment and management of adult education centres and night schools in order to educate dropouts and others to eradicate illiteracy. t. To undertake any activity for the eradication of social evils such as Untouchability, Alcoholism, Drug Addiction, Dowry system, Caste System, Illiteracy etc. and mobilize, motivate and involve the people for their increased participation to create a new social order with greater freedom and justice to all. u. To facilitate and support people to undertake different developmental programmes such as Land Development, Watershed Projects & their management, creation and/ or management of irrigation facilities, Preservation of Forests and endangered animals, Social Forestry, Afforestation etc and any other programmes of national priority and to develop wastelands and to promote environmental education and eco-development protection by organizing environmental awareness campaigns, seminars, symposia and workshops. v. To promote and facilitate establishment of People’s organizations, Self Help Groups (SHGs), Village Committees, Women’s Associations and Youth Fora for their active participation in the planning and implementation of the rural development programmes. w. To create facilities for sports & games, conduct trainings/ impart education for leadership development & management programmes, organise national integration camps, educational, sponsor entertainment & adventures trips, impart spiritual education, award scholarship, provide coaching facilities for students, establish career guidance centre & libraries, organise training & exposure trips etc. for integrated development of the youths. x. To provide relief to the people affected by natural calamities such as flood, cyclone, drought, earthquake etc. and other emergency situations and to carry out the necessary rehabilitation programmes. y. To work together with various Government / Non-Government agencies which have identical aims & objectives in order to bring about all round development of the people. z. To respect at all times the religious and cultural feelings of all the people while promoting the aims & objectives of the Society and to unfailingly avoid political activities. The above-mentioned objectives shall be carried out for the welfare and development of all the people irrespective of caste, creed, community, religion and sex. 4.2. Objectives incidental to the Main Objectives a. To accept grants/ loans from any donor or donor agencies of India or abroad or Union or State Government(s) for realizing/ promoting any or all of the above objectives of the Society. b. To collect and raise funds by any other lawful means as per the needs of the Society. c. To open and operate accounts of any description in any Bank or Banks. d. To open branch offices, schools, colleges, institutions, health clinics etc. at different places according to the need and convenience of the Society. e. To borrow money as required for the purposes of the Society upon such terms and upon such securities as may be required. f. To invest money of the Society in such securities or otherwise in such manner as may from time to time be determined. g. To purchase land, purchase or construct buildings, furniture & fixtures and other materials as per the necessity of the Society. h. To do all such other lawful things as may be incidental to or conducive to the attainment of the above aims and objectives.

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