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Jaai Hind Youth Club

Shore Point
Andamans, Andaman & Nichobar
Contact: Surendran ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available
Website: Not Available


a) Undertaking Social Cultural, Educational and economical activities in the area of operation keeping in view of the constitution of the organization.
b) Arranging entertainment for the member of the club through various activities.
c) Undertaking other activities which the General Body may be approved keeping in view of the constitution of the club.
d) To undertake charitable work for the alleviation of poverty, assistance to home or homeless, assistance to poor girls for marriage, assistance for healthcare to poor irrespective of caste, creed and religion, etc.
e) To promote/coordinate with other youth club/association and other establishments therby promoting cordial relationship
f) To oversee, manage maintain and control Jaai Hind Youth Club and other assests of JHYC properly and Undertake development work.
g) To realize and receive rent if any.
h)To Maintain proper accounts of income and expenditure.
i) To work for the alround upliftment of the members of JHYC as well as others.
j) To look after the general and common interest of the community and generally do all such acts that may be necessary in the interest of the community without injuring the feelings and sentiments of other community.
k) To undertake such other activities that is not contrary to the law of the land.
l) To work for promotion of literature(the diffusion of useful knowledge),collections of natural history and philosophical inventions.
Tags: Ngo database 

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