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INDIACSR Community Initiative Award Guidelines

Guidelines for Writing Case Study

Apply: Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Grants

Case study should follow the problem-solution-benefits flow. First, describe the social challenges or problems or issues; next, describe the mitigations to this problem or issue and finally, describe on how the society benefitted from the particular mitigation strategy (more on this below). This natural story-telling sequence resonates with readers. The narration style must adopt indirect form of speech.
The case study should focus on specific CSR practices of your company/organization/institutions has successfully followed in the last five years.

Apply for Sasakawa PAN Asia Fund

Limit to Enroll :There is no limit to enroll. You can include separate entries for each category.

Inclusion Criteria: Only those CSR initiatives funded by corporate/PSU shall be included for case study. No individual philanthropic initiatives shall be considered.

A Good Case Study Should Broadly Cover the Following:
      Attractive headings
      Detail and Description of the CSR Practices/Initiatives/Projects
      Triggers to the practice/initiatives
      Statement of purpose of the practice/initiative. (How is your practice/initiative unique and path breaking?)
      Barriers or challenges faced and how did you overcome the barriers or challenges?
      Result of the intervention/initiative for the wider good (covering various stakeholders)
      Specific effects on environment
      Add quotations of MD/CEO
      Specific benefits to society
      Supporting Photographs/graphs/graphics
      Organization structure/Organogram for the particular project
      What strategies have been adopted for the project?
      Who initiated the idea?
      When the project was implemented?
      What was the motivating / need factors behind such a project?
      What has been team building & team capacity building approaches?
      Financial management aspects
      Community ownership transfer strategies and methods
      Effective human resource management
      Testimonials on the project
      Development communication strategies for the CSR programs to promote and sustain the project
      Community relationship/Community partnership/Community ownership
      Communication /Branding strategies
      Particular program/project should be aligned with company's value chain and business strategies and motives
      Holistic and integrated approaches
      Resource mobilization, Maximal uses of minimal resources and available raw materials in the community
      Impact assessment and evaluation by 3rd party interventions
      Photographs in relevance to the project under case study
      Social media campaigns
      Acceptability of community/stakeholders
      Recognition by Panchayat/municipal Corporation or any govt. development agencies.

Request for Proposals - UNAIDS 

Guidelines for Preparing Case Study

Case Study (Manuscripts)
Manuscript should be sent along with authorization letter in favour of INDIACSR that it may be published after necessary editing and the copyright shall be with INDIACSR. Manuscript should also accompany a brief Resume of the author on separate page.
Case Study (Word limit) 
Case study should normally be of around 3000 words in A-4 size pages, typed double space 1-inch margin on all side. Manuscripts should be submitted in triplicate with cover page bearing only the title of the case study and author(s)' name, designation(s), organization name with full address with phone/fax number (s) and e-mail address(s).
Font Size
   11 point
Title: The main title of case study must not exceed 20 words. The title should be capitalized and centered at the top of the first page of your paper. If you choose to have a subtitle, it should be capitalized and centered directly below the main title.
Abstracts:   The case study should include an abstract of about 100 to 200 words. No abstracts are required for review case study.
Key Words
   Mention at least 10 key words below the end of the abstract.
   All footnotes should be indicated by serial numbers in the text and literature cited should be detailed under 'Notes' at the end of the chapter bearing corresponding numbers. Header & Footer of font size 8.
   Headings and subheadings must be capitalized and left justified. Use double space after the headings, before starting the next paragraph. Font size of the main heading should be 14 and sub heading of 12.
Table and Figures
   Table/figures should be placed at the end of text, after footnotes, appendices and reference. Table should contain a source and unit of measurement.

Kanthari Training Prog For Socia Chanage

   Illustrations such as photographs, charts, graphs, drawings, and diagrams should be labeled, so that they correspond with their mention in the text (e.g. Table-1, Figure-2, and Diagram- 3). Kindly attach all illustration in jpg format in high resolution. Computer generated charts, sharp, diagrams, and maps are acceptable as long as they are printed on a printer that produces clear, sharp image. If you are drawing your charts, graphs, maps drawing, or diagrams by hand, please use only black ink.


~ ngoporta

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