III. Administration: This is one area which needs careful financial planning. Many times in spite of proper planning the administrative costs go up because of various reasons which may be beyond organizations control. As an example, when we prepare the budget we may put the of...
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Capacity Building:a) Identify and work with selected NGOs through intervention partners to uild real capacity that goes beyond project deadlines.b) Ensure preparedness and code of conduct,of Internal systemsc) Ensure indicators are menaingful and responsiblea) Direct implementaton modelb) Restricted...
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Though the likely risks are prioritiesed at the beginning of the project, while the project is implemented we may come across more risks which also needs to be listed and mitigative actions needs to be identified and closely monitored.In case of NGOs thouh there may be systems in place to check frau...
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Now a days we find most of the organisations give priority to ensure internal control mechanisms are in place and are monitored regularly. However, here we will take up the risk manaement aspect separately.Risk management is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks (de...
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Cheque Safety: a) Cheque should be prepared by a person and reviewed by another person before the same is sent for authorized signature alongwith required documentation. b) Ensure that all the cheques are stamped A/c payee Non-Negotiable before hand. One may ask wha...
ngoportal 02/09/2014
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