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Capacity Enhancement Support Programme - GBIF

Funds for NGOs Last date 3rd March 2017

Activities: Forest & Environment,Others

The GBIF Secretariat is now accepting proposals for funding under the 2017 Capacity Enhancement Support Programme, which seeks to enhance the long-term capacity of GBIF Participants through collaborative projects.

The call is only open to GBIF Participants.

Applicants must submit concept notes by 3 March 2017 for the first stage of the programme’s two-stage selection process. A panel will assess the submissions and invite selected applicants to present full proposals by 21 April 2017.

An announcement on funded projects is expected by 5 May 2017, with all project activities taking place between June 2017 and June 2018.

Concept notes must use the provided template and include information on co-funding.

Proposals can request a maximum of €20,000 to support mentoring activities, regional events, GBIF advocacy actions, documentation and capacity needs assessments. Applicants are encouraged to explore projects previously funded under the programme for inspiration.

The GBIF Secretariat staff is available to address questions related to this call and help Participants considering or preparing a submission. For more information, please contact us via email.

This programme aims to address specific capacity needs identified by Participants by facilitating capacity transfer and collaboration at the regional and global levels.

The annual calls for proposals under this programme provide co-funding to GBIF Participants for capacity enhancement projects based on combinations of the following types of action:

Mentoring activities: Interactions among two or more Participants where the core objective is the transfer of information, technology, experience and best practices in small groups.

Support for regional events: Courses and workshops with a regional (multi-national) component.

GBIF advocacy actions: Active participation in strategic events to promote GBIF.

Documentation: Production of key learning and promotional resources or their adaptation to the national or regional context (e.g. by translation or including local/regional point of view).

Needs Assessment: Self-assessment of capacity at the Participant level through strategic discussion between members of the Participant’s GBIF delegation, node team and other relevant stakeholders.

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