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Kawamura Arts and Cultural Foundation Grants for Socially Engaged Art Support Grant

Funds for Indian NGOs
Last date 22 Oct 2017

Activities: Others

Kawamura Arts and Cultural Foundation Grants for Socially Engaged Art Support Grant

At this age of globalism, Japanese artists are actively working in broad areas both domestic and abroad, and increasing numbers of grants and awards that support such artists’ activities have developed over the recent years. In such condition within the international art field, Socially Engaged Art, which aims to realize a better society through direct artist involvements with communities and societies, are attracting increasing attention among their approaches towards various controversies such as environmental issues, economic discrepancies, immigrant issues, and more others. In Japan however, Socially Engaged Art is not yet well renowned, and no particular system could be found up until this point that support such activities. Taking into account of such condition, Kawamura Arts and Cultural Foundation will start a new grant system in which would be the first case to support Socially Engaged Art in Japan. We hope this grant system would contribute in attaining a broader understanding of Socially Engaged Art along with its social meanings and possibilities, and intensify the activities and practices of artists who aim to realize a further better society towards the future.

We look forward to receiving your ambitious and innovative project applications. Chairman, Kawamura Arts and Cultural Foundation
Yoshihisa Kawamura
PURPOSE OF THE GRANT:SOCIALLY ENGAGED ART SUPPORT GRANT will support Socially Engaged Art projects that will take place in Japan and commit to the community and society; implement activities together with communities and residents; and aim to build and demonstrate models of a better society. This would further enhance in-depth relationships between art culture and the society and will contribute in cultivating higher cultural developments in Japan.

* Definition of “Socially Engaged Art” Socially Engaged Art (SEA) is a generic term of artistic activities that aim a certain “change” amongst existing rules and systems through a proactive process of participation and communication with the society, on both daily and social levels.

    1 Number of grantee: One
    2 Grant Amount: Maximum of five million JPY *Grant will be paid in divided terms
    3 Grant Period: From April 1st 2018 through March 31st 2019


FROM: JULY 31th (Monday), 2017
DEADLINE: OCTOBER 22th (Sunday), 2017 *18:00pm Japan Time

* Applications made by individuals and organizations fulfilling below would be acknowledged legitimate:

- All age ranges, all nationalities

- Artists or organizations who work within the context of contemporary art
Application Method

How to apply

Please download APPLICATION GUIDELINE and APPLICANT INFORMATION FORM, fill in necessary fields, and upload data from WEB Application Form system.

*Note numbers of application towards our foundation is limited to one applicant (both individual and organization) per fiscal year.

*Please beware applications with modified formats and submissions by postal mail, e-mail, and facsimile would basically not be considered as legitimate applications.

*Please note late submissions due to network errors and/or computer crashes would not be taken into consideration to maintain equality. Please send submissions well in advance to avoid such conditions.

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