NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Climate Smart and Disaster Ready Agency for International Development

Activities: Water/Climate,Others

Climate Smart and Disaster Ready
Agency for International Development
Description: Through the Climate Smart and Disaster Ready Annual Program Statement (APS), USAID BHA will implement innovative and applicable adaptation solutions in communities at greatest risk to climate-related disasters in current and foreseeable humanitarian settings. This APS focuses on local, inclusive climate solutions and partnerships. It will work across communities to reduce the risk of climate-related disasters and improve communities’ resilience to climate change.

This umbrella APS only outlines the goal, objectives, expected results and priorities of the Climate Smart and Disaster Ready program, with future amendments that will announce Rounds of Applications. This umbrella APS will not be accepting concept papers or applications and BHA may amend this APS to increase the funding available for it......Read More......

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