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MEHAF Discretionary Grants

Funds for NGOs

Activities: Others

MeHAF’s discretionary grants fund projects and activities outside the parameters of our competitive grant programs. Projects must be related to our mission and completed within one year. Awards are typically under $5,000, but may go up to $10,000 for statewide activities.

All projects must focus on groups or populations that face disproportionate barriers to accessing health services and achieving the best possible health.

Priority will be given to projects that:

Address barriers to health and health care for Maine’s most vulnerable populations;
Examine issues and health needs that complement our current program work; 
Provide an opportunity for organizations that are smaller or less familiar with MeHAF to seek grant funds; and
Have a broad base of community support or plan to use community collaboration as a project strategy.
MeHAF will consider:

Collaborative planning efforts that involve more than one organization
Pilot projects
Policy research and analysis
Minor equipment purchases that expand the availability of health services for people experiencing barriers to access
Activities with potential to significantly improve health care delivery, coverage or quality
MeHAF will NOT consider:

Grants to individuals
Funding for Academic or graduate research
Curriculum Development
Public awareness campaigns focused on a specific disease or health condition
General operating support, direct care costs, staff salary support, travel or training
Maintaining or supplementing the staffing of existing, ongoing programs or services
Purchases of equipment other than as described above
Fundraising or contributions to capital or other campaigns
Efforts to piece together funds for a larger project
Organizational strategic planning unless it is related to improving services to our priority populations or mergers/strategic alliances
NOTE: MeHAF provided grant support the Maine Opioid Collaborative.  Since we are currently in the process of reviewing their recommendations and planning an appropriate response, we are not accepting discretionary grant proposals focused on Maine’s opioid epidemic at this time.
For any clarifications contact:
Jake Grindle, Program Officer I
(207) 620-8266 x 107

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